Version bytes

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A version byte is the hexadecimal representation of a product's version number.


To have StealthBot automatically retrieve a list of version bytes from the internet, go to the "Bot" menu in upper left-hand corner of the main bot window and choose "Update version bytes from".

Manual Overrides

Version bytes can also be configured manually for use with beta servers or unofficial server environments (not supported).

Current List

This is a list of the version bytes as of 8/30/2009. To use these with the manual overrides, use XXVerByte=YY, where XX is the series ID and YY is the version byte (remove the "0x" prefix).

Classic Products

Product Name Product Code Series ID Version Byte
StarCraft STAR SC 0xD3
StarCraft: Broodwar SEXP SC 0xD3
Diablo II D2DV D2 0x0C
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction D2XP D2 0x0C
WarCraft II: Edition W2BN W2 0x4F
WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos WAR3 W3 0x18
WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne W3XP W3 0x18

Legacy Products

Product Name Product Code Series ID Version Byte
StarCraft Shareware* SSHR LS 0xA5
Japanese StarCraft* JSTR JS 0xA9
Diablo Retail DRTL D1 0x2A
Diablo Shareware DSHR D1 0x2A

* These products are not supported by the bot without a script.