BCP Plugin Developer's SDK (Software Development Kit) ----------------------------------------------------- The BCP SDK provides plugin developers with the latest information relating to the BCP plugin standard. Additionally, the SDK includes source code and libraries designed to make writing plugins easier. Directory Contents ------------------ - BCP.h A header describing the BCP plugin interface. - BinaryChatCoreLite.zip BinaryChatCoreLite.dll is a stripped-down, redistributable version of the BinaryChat run-time library that encompasses all of the functions used by older BCPs. This file can be included with your BCP-enabled application, but should be renamed to BinaryChatCore.dll. Only the unmodified version may be distributed, and no warranties are provided. The full version of BinaryChatCore.dll is not redistributable and should not be replaced with the "lite" version. - EmptyPlugin EmptyPlugin is a C++ framework for writing BCPs written by Yoni. It greatly simplifies the task by abstracting the plugin author from having to deal with the lower-level BCP interface itself, instead providing a high-level, easy-to-use class-based interface. Although EmptyPlugin is provided as a Visual C++ 7.0 (.NET) project, it should compile under Visual C++ 6.0 and 5.0 without problems. - PluginMenu PluginMenu is a static library for easy manipulation of a "Plugins" menu in the host bot. A compiled library compatible with Visual C++ 7.0 (.NET) and source code are provided. - TelnetServer This directory contains information needed to work with the TelnetServer.bcpx source input interface. An example of a plugin that uses this is MSNClient.