Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Visual Basic Programming | Running the commands function


I've spent hours, adding a flagging system to my bot. I didn't code it all, I actually used User Bot by UserLoser for a reference.

Here are my flags

D - Designated
M - Master
O - Operator
S - Safelisted
T - Talk
B - Autobanned

Now I have a commands module, and to test it, i just copied the code right from the bot. I also copied the correct funtions, like, Getflags and stuff. I'm just not sure on how to run the command function

Public Function StartCommands(Username As String, Text As String, Optional IsWhispered As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Command As String
Dim Flags As String
Dim User As String
Dim Access As String
Dim HasAccess As Boolean
Dim IsBanned As Boolean
Dim IsMaster As Boolean
Dim IsOperator As Boolean
Dim IsSafeListed As Boolean
Dim CanTalk As Boolean
Dim Blah() As String
Blah = Split(Text, " ")
Command = Blah(0)

For i = 1 To FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems.Count
If LCase(Username) = LCase(FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems(i).Text) Then HasAccess = True
Next i

If HasAccess = True Then
Access = FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
Exit Function
End If

If LCase(Username) = "Hunting" Then IsMaster = True

If InStr(1, Access, "O") Then IsOperator = True
If InStr(1, Access, "M") Then IsMaster = True
If InStr(1, Access, "T") Then CanTalk = True
If InStr(1, Access, "S") Then IsSafeListed = True
'T Flag
If (CanTalk) Or (IsMaster) = True Then
Select Case LCase(Command)
Case "say"
If Left(Trim(Mid(Text, 4)), 1) = "/" Then
SendStuff Mid(Text, 4)
SendStuff Trim(Mid(Text, 4))
End If
Case "version"
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " UserBot " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision & " by UserLoser."
Case "about"
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " UserBot " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision & " by UserLoser."
Case "vers"
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " UserBot " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision & " by UserLoser."
Case "whoami"
For i = 1 To FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems.Count
If LCase(Username) = LCase(FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems(i).Text) Then Found = True: Exit For
Next i
If Found = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & Username & " => " & FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " You were not found in the database."
End If
Case "whois"
If Len(Text) = 4 Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & Username & " => " & FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
End If

For i = 1 To FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems.Count
If LCase(Blah(1)) = LCase(FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems(i).Text) Then Found = True: Exit For
Next i

If Found = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Blah(1)).Text & " => " & UCase(GetFlags(Blah(1)))
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " User " & Blah(1) & " was not found in the database."
End If
Case "find"
If Len(Text) = 4 Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & Username & " => " & FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
End If

For i = 1 To FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems.Count
If LCase(Blah(1)) = LCase(FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems(i).Text) Then Found = True: Exit For
Next i

If Found = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Blah(1)).Text & " => " & UCase(GetFlags(Blah(1)))
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " User " & Blah(1) & " was not found in the database."
End If
End Select
End If

'O Flag
If (IsOperator) Or (IsMaster) = True Then
Select Case LCase(Command)
Case "kick"
If Blah(1) = "*" Then
For i = 1 To FrmMain.listchannel.ListItems.Count
If GetSafeList(FrmMain.listchannel.ListItems(i).Text) = False Then
SendStuff "/kick " & FrmMain.listchannel.ListItems(i).Text
End If
Next i
SendStuff "/kick " & Mid(Text, 5)
End If
Case "ban"
If Blah(1) = "*" Then
For i = 1 To FrmMain.listchannel.ListItems.Count
If GetSafeList(FrmMain.listchannel.ListItems(i).Text) = False Then
SendStuff "/ban " & FrmMain.listchannel.ListItems(i).Text
End If
Next i
SendStuff "/ban " & Mid(Text, 4)
End If
Case "designate"
SendStuff "/designate " & Blah(1)
Case "resign"
SendStuff "/resign"
Case "join"
SendStuff "/join " & Mid(Text, 5)
Case "unban"
If Blah(1) = "*" Then
For i = 1 To FrmMain.Banned.ListItems.Count
SendStuff "/unban " & FrmMain.Banned.ListItems(i).Text
Next i
SendStuff "/unban " & Blah(1)
End If
Case "leaveban"
Select Case LCase(Blah(1))
Case "on"
If LeaveBan = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Leaveban is already enabled."
Exit Function
End If
LeaveBan = True
LeaveBanStart = GetTickCount()
SendStuff "Leaveban enabled by " & Username & "."
LeaveBanStatus = "Leaveban has been enabled by " & Username & ""
Case "off"
If LeaveBan = False Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Leaveban is already disabled."
Exit Function
End If
LeaveBan = False
SendStuff "Leaveban disabled by " & Username & "."
LeaveBanStatus = "Leaveban is disabled."
Case "status"
If LeaveBan = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Leaveban has been enabled by " & Username & ""
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Leaveban is disabled."
End If
'sendstuff "/w " & Username & " " & LeaveBanStatus
End Select
Case "protect"
Select Case LCase(Blah(1))
Case "on"
If Protect = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Protect is already enabled."
Exit Function
End If
Protect = True
ProtectStart = GetTickCount()
SendStuff "Protect enabled by " & Username & "."
ProtectStatus = "protect has been enabled by " & Username & ""
Case "off"
If Protect = False Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Protect is already disabled."
Exit Function
End If
Protect = False
SendStuff "Protect disabled by " & Username & "."
ProtectStatus = "Protect is disabled."
Case "status"
If LeaveBan = True Then
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Protect has been enabled by " & Username & ""
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Protect is disabled."
End If
End Select
Case "banned"
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & FrmMain.Banned.ListItems.Count & " users are in the ban memory."
'Case "banlookup"
' Dim BI As Integer
' Dim BU As String
' BI = frmMain.Banned.FindItem(Blah(1)).Index
' BU = frmMain.Banned.ListItems.Item(BI).Text
' sendstuff "/w " & Username & " " & BU & " is banned user number " & Val(BI) + 1 & "."
End Select
End If

'M Flag
If IsMaster = True Then
Select Case LCase(Command)
Case "settrigger"
vTrigger = LCase(Left(Blah(1), 1))
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Set trigger to " & vTrigger
Case "setuser"
If Blah(1) = "" Then Exit Function
If Blah(2) = "" Then Exit Function
AddToDBC Blah(1), Blah(2)
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " " & LCase(Blah(1)) & " => " & UCase(GetFlags(Blah(1)))
Case "deluser"
If Blah(1) = "" Then Exit Function
FrmDatabase.Users.ListItems.Remove FrmDatabase.Users.FindItem(Blah(1)).Index
SendStuff "/w " & Username & " Removed " & Blah(1) & " from the database"
Case "quit"
End Select
End If
End Function [/code]

Thats my commands module

Public Function GetFlags(Username As String) As String
With FrmDatabase
GetFlags = .Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
End With
End Function [/code]

Get flags function^

Public Sub AddToDBC(Username As String, Flags As String)
Dim CFlags As String
Dim AFlags As String
Dim NFlags As String
With FrmDatabase
If Flags = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim Found As Boolean

For i = 1 To .Users.ListItems.Count
If LCase(.Users.ListItems(i).Text) = LCase(Username) Then
Found = True
Exit For
Found = False
End If
Next i
If Left(Flags, 1) = "+" Then
CFlags = .Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
AFlags = .GetDBFlagsC(CFlags & Flags)
If Found = True Then
.Users.ListItems.Remove (i)
.Users.ListItems.Add , , Username
.Users.FindItem(Username).ListSubItems.Add , , AFlags
.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag = AFlags
Exit Sub
.Users.ListItems.Add , , Username
.Users.FindItem(Username).ListSubItems.Add , , AFlags
.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag = AFlags
End If
Exit Sub
ElseIf Left(Flags, 1) = "-" Then
CFlags = .Users.FindItem(Username).Tag
AFlags = .GetDBFlagsC(Flags)
If InStr(1, CFlags, AFlags) Then NFlags = Replace(CFlags, AFlags, "")
If Found = True Then
.Users.ListItems.Remove (i)
.Users.ListItems.Add , , Username
.Users.FindItem(Username).ListSubItems.Add , , NFlags
.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag = NFlags
Exit Sub
.Users.ListItems.Add , , Username
.Users.FindItem(Username).ListSubItems.Add , , NFlags
.Users.FindItem(Username).Tag = NFlags
End If
End If
If Found = True Then
.Users.ListItems.Remove (i)
.Users.ListItems.Add , , Username
.Users.ListItems(.Users.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , .GetDBFlagsC(UCase(Flags))
.Users.ListItems(.Users.ListItems.Count).Tag = .GetDBFlagsC(UCase(Flags))
Exit Sub
.Users.ListItems.Add , , Username
.Users.ListItems(.Users.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , .GetDBFlagsC(UCase(Flags))
.Users.ListItems(.Users.ListItems.Count).Tag = .GetDBFlagsC(UCase(Flags))
End If
End With
End Sub[/code]

That adds a user to the database

Now how can I just run the commands function, so i can i do...
<trigger>ban Username

September 1, 2004, 4:56 PM
can you please use code tags
September 1, 2004, 5:10 PM
ehm, not working...
September 1, 2004, 5:12 PM
lower case.
September 1, 2004, 5:32 PM
There sexies
September 1, 2004, 5:45 PM
Soul Taker
So, you copy/pasted code from someone else's bot, and want us to tell you what to do with it? I have a few ideas...
September 1, 2004, 6:08 PM
as i said, thats not what im using, and thats not the point, but thank you so much for your help!
September 1, 2004, 6:47 PM
I find that it's usually easier to understand, debug, and improve code that you actually wrote.

If/When you write your own command function, you're going to want to call it from the part of the BNCS 0x0F Packet called EID_TALK. If you don't know how to handle the 0x0F packet, refer to The Botdev Site, and search for an 0x0F documentation if it's still there. I'm sure there's also some information about 0x0F in the Botdev Reference Forum.
The best idea would be to call the StartCommands function with the proper arguements... and if you can't figure those out then I suggest you hit the books.
September 1, 2004, 6:51 PM
Nevermind. I got it, when I actually took the time to look at some stuff. Now I'm going to code my own flagging system, and commands function, thank you.
September 3, 2004, 1:46 AM
[quote author=MichaeL link=board=31;threadid=8511;start=0#msg78833 date=1094175977]
Nevermind. I got it, when I actually took the time to look at some stuff. Now I'm going to code my own flagging system, and commands function, thank you.

Oh, oh! Don't use InStr() when you do it!
September 3, 2004, 5:22 AM
Please don't say it's by me, that's not my bot. Although, in the past there was a time where i was helping someone with something, and my name was on it. But the name UserBot doesn't seem to be right
September 3, 2004, 9:03 PM
[quote author=UserLoser. link=board=31;threadid=8511;start=0#msg78922 date=1094245438]
Please don't say it's by me, that's not my bot. Although, in the past there was a time where i was helping someone with something, and my name was on it. But the name UserBot doesn't seem to be right

hm I always thought that was your bot..
September 3, 2004, 10:52 PM
[quote author=Networks link=board=31;threadid=8511;start=0#msg78937 date=1094251943]
[quote author=UserLoser. link=board=31;threadid=8511;start=0#msg78922 date=1094245438]
Please don't say it's by me, that's not my bot. Although, in the past there was a time where i was helping someone with something, and my name was on it. But the name UserBot doesn't seem to be right

hm I always thought that was your bot..

You'll know if it's mine if I sent it to you over MSN or AIM. The story is something like: this kid annoyed me, so I finally helped him a lot. He thought I 'worked' or 'developed' the whole bot with him, so my name was on there. IIRC, I also wrote a readme which comes with it (wherever that may be at) since I used it, and other people at that time wanted to use it (for whatever reason). I don't release source code to my projects at all (although a few times I tend to spam some functions here and there [people from what channels I hang out in may agree :p])
September 4, 2004, 12:04 AM
Well at first you admitted to us that it was indeed not your function. Yet immediately after the posting of this function that you did not make, you said "That is my commands function." And to top it all off, you got sarcastic towards the person who pointed out that you did not code it believing that you were righteous in first saying the it wasn't yours but then going completely hypocritical? Hehe, I like your style.
September 12, 2004, 6:05 AM
I don't understand this snippet:

[code] Select Case LCase(Command)
Case "say"
If Left(Trim(Mid(Text, 4)), 1) = "/" Then
SendStuff Mid(Text, 4)
SendStuff Trim(Mid(Text, 4))
End If

If the 4th character is a /, send the line starting at character 4, without trimming.
If not, trim the line starting at character 4, then send it.

Two things:
1. What is the purpose? It will say everything except the ending spaces.
2. People are probably going to put a space after "say", so starting at character 5 is better.
September 12, 2004, 1:52 PM
