Author | Message | Time |
RyDeOrDiE1190 | Hey guys, I'm having a little trouble with my vb bot. Here is the code: 'ver If Message = ".ver" And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 10 Then CleanSlateBot1.Send "ÁQ.:ÁRaÁPKÁRaÁQ)ÁYOpZÁQ(:. ÁQ:.ÁRBy aKa.OpTiXÁQ:. .:Version " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & ":." End If 'say Dim cmdSay As String, X As String cmdSay = Message If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".say", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 10 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".say", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send X End If 'home If Message = ".home" And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 30 Then CleanSlateBot1.Send "/join clan aka" End If 'time If Message = ".time" And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 0 Then CleanSlateBot1.Send "ÁYThe time is " & Time & " On " & Date End If 'ban If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".ban", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 80 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".ban", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send "/ban " & X End If 'kick If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".kick", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 40 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".kick", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send "/kick " & X End If 'des If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".des", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 80 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".des", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send "/designate " & X CleanSlateBot1.Send "ÁYUser " & X & " designated" Pause 1.9 End If This code occurs when a message is sent to the chatroom. I get a runtime error 13, a type mismatch, everytime someone talks. Its strange though, because it only seems to happen when there is a group of users larger then 3. | July 6, 2004, 1:22 AM |
Dyndrilliac | Put it in code tags please. Edit: Also, it would probably easier, and more efficient to use Select Case in this situation instead of several If statements. | July 6, 2004, 1:25 AM |
crashtestdummy | [code]'ver If Message = ".ver" And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 10 Then CleanSlateBot1.Send "ÁQ.:ÁRaÁPKÁRaÁQ)ÁYOpZÁQ(:. ÁQ:.ÁRBy aKa.OpTiXÁQ:. .:Version " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & ":." End If 'say Dim cmdSay As String, X As String cmdSay = Message If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".say", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 10 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".say", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send X End If 'home If Message = ".home" And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 30 Then CleanSlateBot1.Send "/join clan aka" End If 'time If Message = ".time" And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 0 Then CleanSlateBot1.Send "ÁYThe time is " & Time & " On " & Date End If 'ban If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".ban", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 80 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".ban", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send "/ban " & X End If 'kick If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".kick", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 40 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".kick", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send "/kick " & X End If 'des If InStr(1, cmdSay, ".des", vbBinaryCompare) And GetStuff("access", Username, App.Path & "\users.ini") >= 80 Then X = Replace(cmdSay, ".des", "") CleanSlateBot1.Send "/designate " & X CleanSlateBot1.Send "ÁYUser " & X & " designated" Pause 1.9 End If[/code] | July 6, 2004, 1:26 AM |
RyDeOrDiE1190 | ok guys I figured it out, IM SO DUMB! First of all, I definitely should have used Select Case, but what was giving me errors, was that the names that were talking weren't on the INI, so when VB looked up the names, it got an error. Anybody got a function to verify if the ini key actually exists? something like CheckINI(app$, key$, filename$) as boolean | July 6, 2004, 1:31 AM |
Dyndrilliac | If GetStuff(...) = vbNullString Then | July 6, 2004, 2:07 AM |
RyDeOrDiE1190 | o yeah, im so dumb ;D thanks alot dude. | July 6, 2004, 3:29 AM |