Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | A Couple oF Questions

Heh i got some Vb questions If You Can help me out with any , Thanks

1st Q)The Bot Takes Current info:

msHome = GetStuff("Main", "Home")
msCdKey = GetStuff("Main", "Cdkey")
msServer = GetStuff("Main", "Server")
username = GetStuff("Main", "Username")
Password = GetStuff("Main", "Password")

Unstead i would like it To Read the cdkey off of cdkeys.txt and keep going down if it gets banned anyhow Can anyone help me with that?

2nd Q)On my Bot i know how to Check Profiles on Bnet But i would like the Source For my bot to change profiles & I have had this past idea which i think is really nice. Its when you join another channel and in your profile it changes it on location to Channel:Current Channel , If anyone has the code to that , Thanks

3rd Q ) Whats a Good AddChat Routine & One For the Emote button?

If you can help me out thanks a lot this Information would me very useful for my current dev of a Public Version on PimpChaT...Thanks
December 19, 2002, 2:38 AM
1) See my 1337 addchat routine on documents section of vL main.

2) wtf is Q)TheBot?

always helpful,
December 19, 2002, 1:18 PM
[quote]1) See my 1337 addchat routine on documents section of vL main.

2) wtf is Q)TheBot?

always helpful,

Hrm Grok One the First Question it was my bad, I needed a AddChat Routine in which it sends all the regular wording into one of my rtb's , & The Whispering to my 2nd Rtb.

Btw, grok Q) Means Question)

Thanks Anyways
December 19, 2002, 3:12 PM
Then make two seperate functions - one for adding text to your chat window and another for adding text to your whisper window. Or even better, add an extra parameter to the AddText function so you can supply the text box that you want the text to be added to (rtb As RichTextBox).
December 19, 2002, 3:53 PM
As for you question about setting profiles, the packet you'll be needing to use is 0x27. The structure of the packet is as follows:

Packet 0x27 Sent - Set profile
(DWORD) number of accounts
(DWORD) number of entries
(STRING LIST) accounts
(STRING LIST) profile keys to set
(STRING LIST) value of keys

For more information, such as profile keys and other profile-related packets, see Skywing's Guide to Requesting Profiles on
December 19, 2002, 5:03 PM
They are FILETIME structures. Define that and request profile key then parse.
December 19, 2002, 7:57 PM
December 19, 2002, 10:03 PM
