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I've been working on reversing all the CDKey decode/hashing functions my self (don't want to use any more public stuff/private stuff, rather figure it out my self since I'm basically teaching my self like I did with C++ and VB) and I've ran into a problem with Starcraft CDKey decode. Basically, it returns to an invalid CDKey... Here's the code with C++ code along with disassembly line-for-line next to it. For now i'm doing it line-for-line without any optimizations, and my variables are pretty much what I see in IDA.

int __stdcall DecodeStarcraftCDKey(char *cdkey)
   DWORD eax = 0, ecx = 0, edx = 0, edi = 0;
   char *esi = new char[14];

   eax = 3;                  // mov eax, 3
   esi = cdkey;               // mov esi, ecx
   ecx ^= edx;                  // xor ecx, ecx

   //.text:19019B31 FirstLoop:
   for (ecx; ecx <= 0xC; ecx++) {
      edx = esi[ecx];            // movsx edx, byte ptr [ecx+esi]
      edx -= 0x30;            // sub edx, 30h
      edi = eax+eax;            // lea edi, [eax+eax]
      edx ^= edi;               // xor edx, edi
      eax += edx;               // add eax, edx
                           // inc ecx
                           // cmp ecx, 0Ch
                           // jl short FirstLoop

   edx ^= edx;                  // xor edx, edx
   ecx = 0xA;                  // mov ecx, 0Ah
   // Here (div) is where I believe is the incorrect part..
   eax = eax / ecx;            // div ecx
   edx = eax % ecx;
   eax = esi[0x0C];            // movsx eax, byte ptr [esi+0Ch]
   edx = (BYTE)edx;            // movsx edx, dl
   edx += 0x30;               // add edx, 30h

   printf("eax: %i, edx: %i\n", eax, edx);   // Never equals the same, my key is valid too

   if (eax == edx)               // cmp eax, edx
      goto JumpOne;            // jz short JumpOne
      return 0;


   /* TODO ... */
   return 1;
June 11, 2004, 4:48 PM
[quote] ecx ^= edx; // xor ecx, ecx[/quote]

[s]Also, you don't need to be dynamically allocating 12 chars.[/s]
<edit> eww@modifying your code :P

Try that, and see if it works.
June 11, 2004, 5:49 PM
[quote]for (ecx; ecx <= 0xC; ecx++) {
// jl short FirstLoop[/quote]
it's jl, not jle.
June 11, 2004, 5:52 PM
updated, but still doesn't work:

   DWORD eax = 0, ecx = 0, edx = 0, edi = 0;
   char *esi;

   eax = 3;                  // mov eax, 3
   esi = cdkey;               // mov esi, ecx
   ecx ^= ecx;                  // xor ecx, ecx

   //.text:19019B31 FirstLoop:
   for (ecx; ecx < 0xC; ecx++) {
      edx = esi[ecx];            // movsx edx, byte ptr [ecx+esi]
      edx -= 0x30;            // sub edx, 30h
      edi = eax+eax;            // lea edi, [eax+eax]
      edx ^= edi;               // xor edx, edi
      eax += edx;               // add eax, edx
                           // inc ecx
                           // cmp ecx, 0Ch
                           // jl short FirstLoop

   edx ^= edx;                  // xor edx, edx
   ecx = 0xA;                  // mov ecx, 0Ah
   // hmm @ div
   eax = eax / ecx;            // div ecx
   edx = eax % ecx;
   eax = esi[0x0C];            // movsx eax, byte ptr [esi+0Ch]
   edx = (BYTE)edx;            // movsx edx, dl
   edx += 0x30;               // add edx, 30h

   printf("eax: %i, edx: %i\n", eax, edx);   // Never equals the same, my key is valid too

   if (eax == edx)               // cmp eax, edx
      goto JumpOne;            // jz short JumpOne
June 11, 2004, 5:56 PM
[quote]eax = eax / ecx; // div ecx
edx = eax % ecx;[/quote]
eax is changing in the first line, but you're using it again in the second. You might want to reverse those 2 lines.
June 11, 2004, 6:05 PM
Yes, that was the problem, all fixed now!
June 11, 2004, 6:08 PM
