Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Displaying Lag Icons

ok so i got the client icon displaying now, now i need the lag icon to the right of there name

[code]Public Const ICON_ping1 As Integer = 19
Public Const ICON_ping2 As Integer = 20
Public Const ICON_ping3 As Integer = 21
Public Const ICON_ping4 As Integer = 22
Public Const ICON_ping5 As Integer = 23
Public Const ICON_ping6 As Integer = 24
Public Const ICON_plug As Integer = 18 'plug

Public Function GetPingIcon(ping As Integer)
Dim iconcode As Integer
If ping > 0 Then iconcode = 19
If ping > 100 Then iconcode = 20
If ping > 200 Then iconcode = 21
If ping > 300 Then iconcode = 22
If ping > 400 Then iconcode = 23
If ping > 500 Then iconcode = 24
If ping < 0 Then iconcode = 25
If ping = 0 Then iconcode = 18
GetPingIcon = iconcode
End Function[/code]

ive got the basics, i just dont know how to accutaly make it display without using the next line (lol!)
June 5, 2004, 7:26 PM
[code]With frmMain.lvChannel.ListItems.Add(, , strUsername, , Icon)
.ListSubItems.Add , , , LagIcon
End With[/code]
June 5, 2004, 7:45 PM
thx worked perfectaly!
June 6, 2004, 12:29 AM
