Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Easy Anti-idles For a Greet Bot

Add this to where all the functions are defined:
[code] virtual int OnConnected(char *szSpeaker, u_long uFlags, char *szEventText);[/code]

Add this event i.d.:
[code]#define EID_CONNECTED 2000[/code]

Then add this to where the bots breaks down the event I.D.:
[code] case EID_CONNECTED:
OnConnected(szSpeaker, uFlags, szEventText);
This Function is used every like 2 minutes:[code]
inline int BnBot::OnConnected(char *szSpeaker, u_long uFlags, char *szEventText) {
   Send("[me=AC_Drkan]WHATEVER YOU WANY HERE\r\n");[/me]
return 1;

Hope this helps anyone
P.S. i had a question about this earlier on the forums so i answered my own question :)
June 2, 2004, 9:51 AM
