Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Data Parsing Question

I parsed the raw data that is recieved with winsocks data_Arrival, my chat client will show me talking, and I can whisper from it to other users, but nothing shows up with my rich text box..I believe I have everything parsed correctly. but I might be wrong.. would my data parsing be the problem most likely?
February 13, 2003, 6:16 PM
are you calling AddChat Color, Data? Or just expecting stuff to be added to it?
February 13, 2003, 7:37 PM
yea, I used Groks Subroutine AddChat, and I'm adding the data right. I'm just not receiving any bnet Events.
February 13, 2003, 8:55 PM
Are you sure your packet reader doesn't have any bugs in it?
February 13, 2003, 9:02 PM
hmm, I think I added all the packets pertaining to login and stuff, I'll redo Telnet to check If I missed anything.
February 13, 2003, 9:10 PM
Binary or Chat Client?
February 13, 2003, 10:38 PM
