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im sure its a simple question to answer im just beyond tired of trying to figure it out lol,
[code]     If Left(strText, 1) = msTrigger Then DoCommands strUser, strText, False[/code] if that works then why wont this? [code]
    If LCase(strText) = msTrigger & strAccount Then DoCommands strUser, strText, False[/code] strAccount = name logged on as of course btw
February 14, 2003, 11:01 AM
your first code will take something like !HEre and will see if ! = your trigger

your second one will take something like !HEre and give you !here - the lowercase of the text
February 14, 2003, 12:51 PM
why would you be adding the trigger to an account?
February 14, 2003, 1:34 PM
in case of bots with same trigger... `name (command)
February 14, 2003, 1:42 PM
of course that wont work if there are any command params, all your checking for is trigger & account.

[code]If left(strtext,len(mstrigger) & len(straccount)) = mstrigger & straccount[/code]

and LOL. DoCommands, an ethbot function...
February 14, 2003, 3:53 PM
[quote]in case of bots with same trigger... `name (command) [/quote]
why not whisper it? trying to impress your friends? 8)
February 14, 2003, 4:32 PM
why not whisper it? trying to impress your friends? 8)[/quote]

Because it looks funnier. "Disclaimer, ban Camel" - commands can be issued by using trigger, or bot's name with a comma (in EternalBot).
February 14, 2003, 5:19 PM
In my case,
ShadowAssassins, say UserLoser wonders why he is banned from Botnet, or not able to connect...
February 14, 2003, 6:21 PM
[quote]In my case,
ShadowAssassins, say UserLoser wonders why he is banned from Botnet, or not able to connect...[/quote]

February 14, 2003, 7:05 PM
why not whisper it? trying to impress your friends?  umm no, just to save a step in the process..... ChewBot has that option as well and i always used it that way... Well anyway thanx for all the "help" ?
February 14, 2003, 9:51 PM
[quote]Well anyway thanx for all the "help" ?[/quote]

You weren't helped? If you weren't, I could spill out the answers for you.
February 14, 2003, 9:59 PM
not that i saw.... i mean i now realize what was wrong with it, but not how to fix it, ill figure it out sooner or later i was just frustrated with trying for the moment
February 14, 2003, 11:26 PM
Example situation: If you're logged on account Jack and trigger is '!', you want to be able to do this: !Jack <command> (i.e., !Jack say Hello). Right?

If so, then try this (used your variables and function to be more convenient):

[code]If LCase(Left(strText, Len(msTrigger) + Len(strAccount))) = LCase(msTrigger & strAccount) Then DoCommands strUser, Mid(strText, Len(msTrigger) + Len(strAccount) + 2), False[/code]

That is assuming your DoCommands() function takes exact command and contents with excluded trigger.
February 15, 2003, 12:03 AM
Actually, that would be my DoCommands.. ;)
February 21, 2003, 6:05 AM
