Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | [C>0x06] BNLS_CHANGEPROOF

I am trying to send 0x06 to BNLS but I am not getting a response from BNLS. So I am guessing I am sending it incorrectly....

(DWORD[16]) Data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE (0x55).

Case &H0 = Change Accepted (According to the BNLS ProtoSpec)
Case &H0
AddChat vbGreen, "Change accepted!"
With pBuffer
.InsertNonNTString Mid(Data, 8)
.SendBNLSPacket &H6
End With

The place where the data starts to where the data ends is 64 characters long and it is 16 DWORDS. This of course starting at Mid(Data, 8 ) and I send BNLS Packet & I don't know why I am not getting a response....does anyone know why?

Please don't suggest that I packet log W3 as I do not own the game....thanks
March 16, 2004, 7:46 AM
I'm pretty sure BNLS responds, even if you send wrong data, then it would probably hash that bad data and send it back. Or, it would close the connection.. Like I said, I highly doubt you'll get no response at all from BNLS.
March 16, 2004, 4:34 PM
ok well.......I just specified the length and it works now.....
but I wasn't getting any response before......
Case &H0
AddChat vbGreen, "Change accepted!"
With pBuffer
.InsertNonNTString Mid(Data, 8, 64)
.SendBNLSPacket &H6
End With
March 16, 2004, 5:28 PM
The server will not process the contents of your message until it has received all of the data associated with that message.
March 16, 2004, 11:48 PM
