Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Re: Join home channel after login.

[quote]Hello ok i'v made a chat bot any everything but now after it logins to it gose to "Public chat-1" what can i add to make it join my channel eg. "inheaven"
i want it to join "inheaven" as soon as it logins to bnet[/quote]
You can't. The most you can hope for is joining a public channel on the chat protocal. Send "/join channelname" after you connect.
March 4, 2003, 6:41 PM
............Just make it so when your logged in, it automatically sends "/join " & homechannel
not too hard
Its impossible to dodge joining public chats on startup
March 4, 2003, 7:27 PM
well not really impossible but probably hard to do
March 4, 2003, 7:27 PM
For chat protocol, after you receive 2010 NAME from, you could then send "/join <Home_Channel>."

For example, in Visual Basic, SOCKET.SendData "/join Clan [vL]" & vbCrLf. SOCKET being your Winsock control name, and vbCrLf being a substitute for the Enter key in the Telnet interface.
March 4, 2003, 7:29 PM
'Call Appropriate Event based on ID
   Select Case Val(strArgs(1))
       Case 1001: Event_User strArgs(3), strArgs(4), strArgs(5)
       Case 1002: Event_Join strArgs(3), strArgs(4), strArgs(5)
       Case 1003: Event_Leave strArgs(3), strArgs(4)
       Case 1004: Event_RecvWhisper strArgs(3), strArgs(4), strData2
       Case 1005: Event_Talk strArgs(3), strArgs(4), strData2
   End Select
End Sub

ACCCK!  That's not how events are supposed to be written!!

You should declare events from a class module as public, e.g...

---  ClassBot  class code
Public Event OnTalk(Name As String, Flags As String, Chat As String)

Somewhere in the class you fire an event like this:

RaiseEvent OnTalk(name, flags, chat)

Now, to use the class, in your form or wherever, call it like this:

Private WithEvents CBot As ClassBot doing that, and choosing CBot from the ojbect dropdown, you'll see the OnTalk event in the procedure dropdown.  Click it .. You'll see this code:

Private Sub CBot_OnTalk(Name As String, Flags As String, Chat As String)

End Sub

Sorry for the seguey, but intervention was required!
March 4, 2003, 7:49 PM
VaporBot, very nice chat bot, sort of outdated though, so your probably not going to go that far with it :-/
March 4, 2003, 8:40 PM
proper events are just leeter  :P

(i think?)
March 5, 2003, 1:51 AM
