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Option Explicit

Private Declare Sub MemCopy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal numbytes As Long)

Private Sub Form_Load()

Unload Me

Dim fakeArr(1 To 6) As Byte, testArr(1 To 1200) As Byte
Dim fakeStr As String, testStr As String
Dim fakeLen As Long, testLen As Long
Dim Position As Long

'populate the strings

fakeStr = "<TEST>"
testStr = Space$(1200)
For Position = 0 To 198
Mid$(testStr, Position * 6 + 1, 6) = fakeStr
Next Position
fakeStr = "<FAKE>"
Mid$(testStr, Position * 6 + 1, 6) = fakeStr

'copy each string into its own byte array

testLen = Len(testStr)
fakeLen = Len(fakeStr)
MemCopy testArr(1), ByVal testStr, testLen
MemCopy fakeArr(1), ByVal fakeStr, fakeLen

'here is the main code _
the objective is to get the Position of fakeArr() in testArr()

MemCopy ByVal testStr, testArr(1), testLen
MemCopy ByVal fakeStr, fakeArr(1), fakeLen
Position = InStr(testStr, fakeStr)
MsgBox "Position = " & Position

'this is already fast .. but is there a faster way? _
I hate the idea of converting it _
to a vbString just to get a Position ..

End Sub


I ran a few tests and found that when working with one hundred bytes or less, a for next loop would perform better then Instr.

But I'm still looking for alternatives for cases that have more then one hundred bytes.
February 12, 2004, 7:17 AM
Here is the code, along with a few odd subs I built to test its implementation. Hope that helps.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ary() As Byte
Dim test() As Byte

Call BuildByteArray(test(), "!")
Call BuildByteArray(ary(), "This is most definitely a test, like never before!")

Debug.Print "ary(): " & MergeArray(ary())
Debug.Print "test(): " & MergeArray(test())
Debug.Print "return: " & InStrByteArray(ary(), test())
End Sub

'// Returns the start index of an array B within a source array A.
'// - If the search array is not present, the function will return -1.
'// Has not been tested on byte arrays <= 1 member in length
Function InStrByteArray(ByRef bytAry() As Byte, ByRef toFind() As Byte) As Long

On Error GoTo InstrByteArrayError

Dim i As Long
Dim Ret As Long
Dim FlagA As Long '// positional flag in array
Dim FlagF As Long '// positional flag in toFind
Dim Start As Long '// start value
Dim Current As Long

Ret = -1 '// catch nonexistent strings
Start = toFind(LBound(toFind))

For i = LBound(bytAry) To UBound(bytAry)
If bytAry(i) = Start Then
'// found possible find-array start point

If UBound(toFind) >= LBound(toFind) + 1 Then '// catching 1-length B strings
FlagF = LBound(toFind) + 1 '// skip the first char
Current = toFind(FlagF)
Ret = i
GoTo InstrByteArrayExit
End If

FlagA = i + 1

Do While ((bytAry(FlagA) = Current) And (FlagF < UBound(toFind)))
If FlagA <= UBound(bytAry) Then
FlagA = FlagA + 1
FlagF = FlagF + 1
Current = toFind(FlagF)
'end of the byte array
GoTo InstrByteArrayExit
End If

If (FlagF = UBound(toFind)) Then '// we found the whole array!
Ret = i
GoTo InstrByteArrayExit
End If
End If
Next i

InStrByteArray = Ret
Exit Function

Debug.Print Err.Description
GoTo InstrByteArrayExit
End Function

Sub BuildByteArray(ByRef arr() As Byte, ByVal inpt As String)
Dim i As Integer

ReDim arr(Len(inpt) - 1)

For i = 1 To Len(inpt)
arr(i - 1) = Asc(Mid$(inpt, i, 1))
Next i
End Sub

Function MergeArray(ByRef arr() As Byte) As String

Dim buf As String
Dim i As Long

buf = String(UBound(arr) + 1, vbNullChar)

For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
Mid$(buf, i + 1, 1) = Chr(arr(i))
Next i

MergeArray = Trim(buf)

End Function
February 14, 2004, 12:38 AM
Wow your code is um.. Long

Thanks for trying anyways :-\

The code below is my version that I used to test the 100 byte theory.. in the example its more bytes but the results still shows.

I'm gonna go examine your coding now and see if I can learn anything.


Option Explicit

Private Declare Sub MemCopy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal numbytes As Long)
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Dim byteArr(1 To 1200) As Byte, tempStr As String, fakeStr As String, T As Long, X As Long, XX As Long, XXX As Long, Length As Long, TempLen As Long
Dim fakeArr(1 To 6) As Byte, XXXX As Long, Position As Long, tLen As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()

Unload Me

fakeStr = "<TEST>"
tempStr = Space$(1200)

For X = 0 To 198
Mid$(tempStr, X * 6 + 1, 6) = fakeStr
Next X
fakeStr = "<FAKE>"
Length = Len(tempStr)
TempLen = Len(fakeStr)

'toggle these two numbers for testing purposes
'X = 20 '20 * 6 = 120 bytes
X = 60 '60 * 6 = 360 bytes

Mid$(tempStr, X * TempLen + 1, TempLen) = fakeStr

'copy the each string into its own byte array

MemCopy byteArr(1), ByVal tempStr, Length
MemCopy fakeArr(1), ByVal fakeStr, TempLen

'the objective is to get the position of fakeArr() in byteArr()
T = GetTickCount
For X = 1 To 1000
MemCopy ByVal tempStr, byteArr(1), Length
MemCopy ByVal fakeStr, fakeArr(1), TempLen
Position = InStr(tempStr, fakeStr)
Next X
T = GetTickCount - T
MsgBox "instr " & T
Debug.Print "instr"; T; Position

'is there a faster way? _
I hate the idea of converting it _
to a vbString just to get a Position

T = GetTickCount
For X = 1 To 1000
For XX = 0 To Length / TempLen - 1
Position = XX * TempLen + 1
If byteArr(Position) = fakeArr(1) And byteArr(XX * TempLen + TempLen) = fakeArr(TempLen) Then
XXXX = 1
For XXX = Position + 1 To Position - 2 + TempLen
If byteArr(XXX) <> fakeArr(XXXX) Then GoTo sKip
Next XXX
If XXXX = TempLen - 1 Then Exit For
End If
Next XX
Next X
T = GetTickCount - T
MsgBox "byte " & T
Debug.Print "byte"; T; Position

End Sub


edit: oops dimmed fakeArr twice and removed dumDum() lol..

another edit: changed an "exit for" to "goto skip" to skip a check and changed numerics to variables to make it seem like a more realistic scenario and removed one of two "Position = XX * TempLen + 1" since the second wasn't needed. (*sigh*)
February 14, 2004, 3:48 AM
Try a loop calling memchr and memcmp or equivalent functions? I'm sure they must be exported by some DLL...
February 14, 2004, 3:50 AM
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44176 date=1076730619]
Try a loop calling memchr and memcmp or equivalent functions? I'm sure they must be exported by some DLL...

Yeah.. I tried looking for it.
I use Api-Guide as reference.
Closest thing I could find was um.. lStrCmp
Perhaps I missed something?
February 14, 2004, 4:04 AM
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44179 date=1076731464]
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44176 date=1076730619]
Try a loop calling memchr and memcmp or equivalent functions? I'm sure they must be exported by some DLL...

Yeah.. I tried looking for it.
I use Api-Guide as reference.
Closest thing I could find was um.. lStrCmp
Perhaps I missed something?

I would think a Do loop as I used above would be far easier in this situation -- VB is most likely fairly fast at numeric comparisons, since that's all it's doing. Unless you manage to farm the job of actually finding the InStr position off to a DLL somehow, VB's byte comparisons should be fast enough.
February 14, 2004, 4:28 AM
[quote author=Stealth link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44185 date=1076732917]
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44179 date=1076731464]
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44176 date=1076730619]
Try a loop calling memchr and memcmp or equivalent functions? I'm sure they must be exported by some DLL...

Yeah.. I tried looking for it.
I use Api-Guide as reference.
Closest thing I could find was um.. lStrCmp
Perhaps I missed something?

I would think a Do loop as I used above would be far easier in this situation -- VB is most likely fairly fast at numeric comparisons, since that's all it's doing. Unless you manage to farm the job of actually finding the InStr position off to a DLL somehow, VB's byte comparisons should be fast enough.

A Do Loop is faster then a For Next loop in the event that there is no counter involved and the conditions for Exiting the Do Loop is internal.

In the case above. A counter is already required. Incrementing made by For Next is faster then incrementing done from inside a Loop of any type.
Also, placing the conditions check for Do Loop at the beginning is slower then placing it at the end. You should place the first conditions in an If Then statement before entering the Do Loop and place the conditions check for the Do Loop at end of Do Loop (Loop while/until).
February 14, 2004, 11:49 AM
[quote author=Stealth link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44185 date=1076732917]
I would think a Do loop as I used above would be far easier in this situation -- VB is most likely fairly fast at numeric comparisons, since that's all it's doing. Unless you manage to farm the job of actually finding the InStr position off to a DLL somehow, VB's byte comparisons should be fast enough.

Yes, memchr is InStr for byte arrays. So that would be used for quickly finding the InStr position without having to turn the data into a string.
February 14, 2004, 12:33 PM
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44179 date=1076731464]

Yeah.. I tried looking for it.
I use Api-Guide as reference.
Closest thing I could find was um.. lStrCmp
Perhaps I missed something?

They can be found in msvcrt:
C:\WINNT\system32>dumpbin /exports msvcrt.dll |find "mem"
396 18B 0002696F _memccpy
397 18C 000269C2 _memicmp
683 2AA 000272D5 memchr
684 2AB 00027376 memcmp
685 2AC 00010980 memcpy
686 2AD 0000FFB4 memmove
687 2AE 00001A1D memset

February 14, 2004, 1:11 PM
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44239 date=1076764261]
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44179 date=1076731464]

Yeah.. I tried looking for it.
I use Api-Guide as reference.
Closest thing I could find was um.. lStrCmp
Perhaps I missed something?

They can be found in msvcrt:
C:\WINNT\system32>dumpbin /exports msvcrt.dll |find "mem"
396 18B 0002696F _memccpy
397 18C 000269C2 _memicmp
683 2AA 000272D5 memchr
684 2AB 00027376 memcmp
685 2AC 00010980 memcpy
686 2AD 0000FFB4 memmove
687 2AE 00001A1D memset

Thanks Adron I'll go google it and see how its declared,
+1 Adron. Thanks for trying to help me Stealth, +1.
February 14, 2004, 3:24 PM
Wrote this code to test it too:
Dim a(1000000) As Byte
Dim b(5) As Byte
Dim i As Long, base As Long, ptr As Long
For i = 0 To 1000000
a(i) = Fix(Rnd * 256)
Next i
a(654321) = 12: b(0) = 12
a(654322) = 23: b(1) = 23
a(654323) = 34: b(2) = 34
a(654324) = 45: b(3) = 45
a(654325) = 56: b(4) = 56
a(654326) = 67: b(5) = 67
i = 0
base = memchr(a(0), a(0), 1)
Open "c:\tmp.txt" For Output As #1
ptr = memchr(a(i), b(0), UBound(a) + 1 - i)
If ptr = 0 Then Print #1, "No more matches": Exit Do
i = ptr - base + 1
If memcmp(a(i), b(1), UBound(b)) = 0 Then Print #1, "Found at " & i - 1
Close #1

and that generated this output:

Found at 654321
No more matches
February 14, 2004, 4:59 PM
I googled it and it is not what I hoped for.

I can't find any example declarations for memchr.

I did find a declaration for memcpy from msvcrt an equivalent of memcopy called from kernel32.

Making a DLL in C wouldn't be an effective solution would it .. ?

I'm just gonna poke around and crash myself .. maybe I might get lucky and guess the declaration.

WHOA. You got it? How was it declared?

And that is one major loop .. I hope it is faster then the one I posted.
February 14, 2004, 5:00 PM
I had some trouble with the declaration myself. Haven't yet found a perfect one. It seems that VB6 can understand a declaration telling it to use the __cdecl calling convention, but when compiled it gets hardcoded into raising an error (STUPID!!)

Private Declare Function memchr CDecl Lib "msvcrt" (buffer As Byte, ByVal data As Byte, length As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function memcmp CDecl Lib "msvcrt" (buffer1 As Byte, buffer2 As Byte, length As Long) As Long

So, that approach didn't work. What did work, running as a compiled app, was to write the declaration into a type library and use that. However, for some reason, VB crashes when trying to run when the type library I made is loaded. The declarations look like this:

helpstring("Type library for calling VC runtime functions"),
   module MSVCRT {
         helpstring("Search for a byte in a byte array"),
      int _cdecl memchr([in] unsigned char *buffer, [in] unsigned char data, [in] long length);
         helpstring("Compare byte arrays"),
      int _cdecl memcmp([in] unsigned char *buffer1, [in] unsigned char *buffer2, [in] long length);

You can download the type library here.
February 14, 2004, 5:06 PM
I went to Project>References and added the tlb to the current project.


Option Explicit

'declare api

Private Declare Function memchr CDecl Lib "msvcrt" (buffer As Byte, ByVal data As Byte, length As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function memcmp CDecl Lib "msvcrt" (buffer1 As Byte, buffer2 As Byte, length As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub MemCopy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal numbytes As Long)
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()

'we don't need a form

Unload Me


Exit Sub

'dim variables

Dim testArr() As Byte
Dim fakeArr() As Byte
Dim testStr As String
Dim fakeStr As String
Dim testLen As Long
Dim fakeLen As Long
Dim T As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim Position As Long
Dim testLBound As Long
Dim fakeLBound As Long
Dim Difference As Long

'populate strings

fakeStr = "<TEST>"
testStr = Space$(1200)
For X = 0 To 198
Mid$(testStr, X * 6 + 1, 6) = fakeStr
Next X
fakeStr = "<FAKE>"

'get string lengths

testLen = Len(testStr)
fakeLen = Len(fakeStr)

'set position for fakeStr _
toggle these 4 numbers for testing purposes
X = 199 '199 * 6 = 1194
'X = 20 '20 * 6 = 120 bytes
'X = 60 '60 * 6 = 360 bytes
'X = 1 '1 * 6 = 6 bytes
'X = 0 '0 * 6 = 0 bytes
Mid$(testStr, X * fakeLen + 1, fakeLen) = fakeStr

'resize byte arrays

Difference = -5

ReDim testArr(Difference To testLen - 1 + Difference)
ReDim fakeArr(Difference To fakeLen - 1 + Difference)

testLBound = LBound(testArr)
fakeLBound = LBound(fakeArr)

'copy each string into its own byte array

MemCopy testArr(Difference), ByVal testStr, testLen
MemCopy fakeArr(Difference), ByVal fakeStr, fakeLen

'the objective is to get the Position of fakeArr() in byteArr()


T = GetTickCount
For X = 1 To 1000
MemCopy ByVal testStr, testArr(Difference), testLen
MemCopy ByVal fakeStr, fakeArr(Difference), fakeLen
Position = InStr(testStr, fakeStr) + Difference - 1
Next X
T = GetTickCount - T
MsgBox "InStr " & T & " " & Position
Debug.Print "InStr"; T; Position

'is there a faster way? _
I hate the idea of converting it _
to a vbString just to get a Position


T = GetTickCount
For X = 1 To 1000
Position = InByte(testArr, testLBound, UBound(testArr) - testLBound + 1, fakeArr, fakeLBound, UBound(fakeArr) - fakeLBound + 1)
Next X
T = GetTickCount - T
MsgBox "InByte " & T & " " & Position
Debug.Print "InByte"; T; Position

End Sub

Public Function InByte(MainArr() As Byte, mStart As Long, mLen As Long, FindArr() As Byte, fStart As Long, fLen As Long) As Long

Dim X As Long
Dim XX As Long
Dim XXX As Long
Dim bytePosition As Long
Dim someThing As Long

someThing = mLen / fLen - 1

For X = 0 To mLen / fLen - 1
bytePosition = X * fLen + mStart
If MainArr(bytePosition) = FindArr(fStart) And MainArr(bytePosition + fLen - 1) = FindArr(fStart + fLen - 1) Then
XXX = fStart
For XX = bytePosition + 1 To bytePosition - 2 + fLen
XXX = XXX + 1
If MainArr(XX) <> FindArr(XXX) Then GoTo InByte_sKip
Next XX
If XXX = mStart + fLen - 2 Then InByte = bytePosition: Exit Function
End If
Next X

End Function

Sub AdronInByte()

Dim a(1000000) As Byte
Dim b(5) As Byte
Dim i As Long, base As Long, ptr As Long
For i = 0 To 1000000
a(i) = Fix(Rnd * 256)
Next i
a(654321) = 12: b(0) = 12
a(654322) = 23: b(1) = 23
a(654323) = 34: b(2) = 34
a(654324) = 45: b(3) = 45
a(654325) = 56: b(4) = 56
a(654326) = 67: b(5) = 67
i = 0
base = memchr(a(0), a(0), 1)
Open "c:\tmp.txt" For Output As #1
ptr = memchr(a(i), b(0), UBound(a) + 1 - i)
If ptr = 0 Then Print #1, "No more matches": Exit Do
i = ptr - base + 1
If memcmp(a(i), b(1), UBound(b)) = 0 Then Print #1, "Found at " & i - 1
Close #1

End Sub


Run-time error '49':
Bad DLL calling convention

February 14, 2004, 5:23 PM
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44264 date=1076778395]
I had some trouble with the declaration myself. Haven't yet found a perfect one. It seems that VB6 can understand a declaration telling it to use the __cdecl calling convention, but when compiled it gets hardcoded into raising an error (STUPID!!)

Private Declare Function memchr CDecl Lib "msvcrt" (buffer As Byte, ByVal data As Byte, length As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function memcmp CDecl Lib "msvcrt" (buffer1 As Byte, buffer2 As Byte, length As Long) As Long

Just to demonstrate, this code:

b(5) = 67
i = 0
base = memchr(a(0), a(0), 1)

generates this disassembly:

_text:00401FB8 mov cx, 67
_text:00401FBC call ___vbaUI1I2
_text:00401FC1 mov ecx, [ebp+b]
_text:00401FC4 add ecx, [ebp+tmp_index] ; (tmp_index=5)
_text:00401FCA mov [ecx], al ; b(5) = 67
_text:00401FCC and [ebp+i], 0 ; i = 0
_text:00401FD0 push 49
_text:00401FD2 call @__vbaError ; Err.Raise 49
(Bad DLL calling convention)
_text:00401FD7 movsx eax, ax
_text:00401FDA mov [ebp+base], eax ; base = Err.Raise(49)
February 14, 2004, 5:30 PM
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44268 date=1076779432]
Run-time error '49':
Bad DLL calling convention



You're not supposed to use the Declare Lib's, because they don't work. Only use the tlb.
February 14, 2004, 5:32 PM
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=15#msg44271 date=1076779950]
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=0#msg44268 date=1076779432]
Run-time error '49':
Bad DLL calling convention



You're not supposed to use the Declare Lib's, because they don't work. Only use the tlb.

Oh.. mm.. strange..
When I didn't have the declarations it crashed immediately. Weird.
February 14, 2004, 5:48 PM
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=15#msg44282 date=1076780884]

Oh.. mm.. strange..
When I didn't have the declarations it crashed immediately. Weird.

I did mention that too... So, until someone explains what's wrong with the typelib, only run it in compiled form :P
February 14, 2004, 5:50 PM
[quote author=Adron link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=15#msg44283 date=1076781026]
[quote author=o.OV link=board=31;threadid=5245;start=15#msg44282 date=1076780884]

Oh.. mm.. strange..
When I didn't have the declarations it crashed immediately. Weird.

I did mention that too... So, until someone explains what's wrong with the typelib, only run it in compiled form :P

Oh.. :o misunderstanding.
I thought you had it fixed.
February 14, 2004, 5:55 PM

With the code compiled, I found that the InByte sub I wrote was actually faster.. about twice as fast as instr.. and this changes alot of things ~_~

All this time I have been benchmarking test codes using a Start with "full" compile instead of a compiling an executable ..

I feel so stupid.. -closes eyes-

And I also tried to optimize your code the best I could.. sometimes it beat instr sometimes it didn't.
The non optimized version lost every time.

I'll see what else I can do with the API calls once I reboot.

New test results.
API test is faster then the For Next.
I examined my coding and realized I had programmed it for strings with Padding for each entry.
With the API calls I could increase the the speed by about .35 times. Thanks Adron ^^

I haven't written the version for padding yet..
but here is the regular one..
When processing 1000 or less bytes .. this api based function based on the example will be faster then InStr.


Function InByteNoPadding(a() As Byte, aStart As Long, aLen As Long, b() As Byte, bStart As Long, bLen As Long) As Long

Dim ptr As Long
ptr = memchr(a(aStart), b(bStart), aLen)
If ptr Then
Dim i As Long, base As Long
Dim aStart_ As Long, aLen_ As Long, bStart_ As Long, bLen_ As Long
aStart_ = 1 + aStart: aLen_ = aLen + 1
bStart_ = bStart + 1: bLen_ = bLen - 1
base = memchr(a(aStart), a(aStart), 1)
i = ptr - base + aStart_
If memcmp(a(i), b(bStart_), bLen_) = 0 Then InByteNoPadding = i - 1: Exit Function
ptr = memchr(a(i), b(bStart), aLen_ - i)
Loop While ptr
End If

End Function

February 15, 2004, 12:07 AM
Found it by accident
while looking for information on "_cdecl";en-us;Q153586

It also shows a proper way to call it.
I'll test both improper and proper way
and see if I can find a speed difference.
March 18, 2004, 1:08 AM
Well, writing a wrapper in C is an obvious solution, but then you might as well write the whole thing in C.
March 18, 2004, 1:45 AM
With the original solution you had..
Would there be problems with the stack cleanup?

I'm guessing that is why you used a type library.

Is that why declaring it in a module would crash it?
March 18, 2004, 3:27 AM
Declaring using declare function crashes it because of calling convention. Using a type library, you can have it call it correctly. I don't understand why the type library causes an error.
March 18, 2004, 5:27 AM
