Author | Message | Time |
K | I'm working on a splay tree implementation for my Algorithms class. We were given the following psuedo code for a Left rotation: [code] Left-Rotate(T,x) 1 y <-- right[x] //Set y 2 right[x] <-- left[y] //Turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree 3 if left[y] != NIL 4 then p[left[y]] <-- x 5 p[y] <-- p[x] //Link x's parent to y 6 if p[x] = NIL 7 then root[T] <-- y 8 else if x = left[p[x]] 9 then left[p[x]] <-- y 10 else right[p[x]] <-- y 11 left[y] <-- x // Put x on y's left 12 p[x] <-- y [/code] which I translated as [code] void SplayTree::left_rotate(Node* x) { Node* y = x->right; x->right = y->left; if (y->left) y->left->p = x; y->p = x->p; if (!x->p) this->root_ptr = y; else if (x == x->p->left) x->p->left = y; else x->p->right = y; y->left = x; x->p = y; } [/code] I don't really understand what it's doing, (I do graphically, but not code wise -- Although I really didn't study it.) but I followed the algorithm so my code should be correct. Can anyone a) try to explain what's going on in order to b) help me implement the right_rotate function. Thanks. | January 23, 2004, 6:09 AM |