Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Visual Basic Programming | Line Control

I need a line control that raises events for Click, ConnectEndPoint, etc. The Line control that is intrinsic to VB does not notify you when a user selects it. The project I'm doing allows users to connect boxes. When they select a line, I want to show the hotpoints, and allow them to delete the line. For the hotpoints to show, I have to receive a select event. Then I can draw little boxes or circles at the ends and in the middle. When the user connects an endpoint with a another control, I will show the line being connected by maybe changing the connection point to green.

Similar to how it works in Visio. But I don't want to do this inside Visio, or with the Visio object model.
January 9, 2004, 6:03 PM
That sounds rather complicated. Are you sure you shouldn't implement this yourself? Take for example intersecting lines... And most controls have square hit-boxes.
January 9, 2004, 11:51 PM
