Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Assembly Language (any cpu) | Linked List project in x86

I've finished my linked list project in assembly and it can be downloaded here:

here is the program listing for your enjoyment :)
   TITLE LinkedList   (ll.asm)
; STUDENT ID: 1814539
; Purpose: To dynamically create a linked list and sort the nodes
;          as they are inserted.
; Dependancies: kernal32.lib, user32.lib, irvine32.lib
; Input: The user enters integer values until his heart is content
;       or the computer runs out of memory.
; Output: A sorted version of the numbers the user entered.
; Version History
; 1.10.0001 DS 2003/12/2 Writing the first build of the program
; 1.10.0002 DS 2003/12/2 Fixed 5 syntax errors
; 1.10.0003 DS 2003/12/2 Fixed logic error
;   1.10.0004 DS 2003/12/2       Fixed logic error
;   1.10.0005 DS 2003/12/2       Created a better driver program
;   1.10.0006 DS 2003/12/5       fixed a fatal error that caused the program to
;                         crash if the user didn't input anything into
;                         the list.
;   1.10.0006 DS 2003/12/5       Fixed a logic error that the earlier fix created
;   1.10.0007 DS 2003/12/5       Rebuilt the InsertSorted method
;   1.10.0008 DS 2003/12/6       Made a quick optimization to MakeNode
;   1.10.0009 DS 2003/12/7       "optimization" caused a major logic error, fixed
;   1.10.0010 DS 2003/12/7       Fixed up the less than functional Remove procedure

; #########################################################################

.model flat, stdcall

; #########################################################################
;include \masm32\include\   ; I'm getting errors from this...
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\

includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\irvine32.lib

; #########################################################################

; Procedure Prototypes from irvine32.lib

Crlf      PROTO      ; output carriage-return / linefeed
WriteString PROTO      ; write null-terminated string to output
ReadInt      PROTO
WriteDec   PROTO
WriteChar   PROTO

; Symbols


; List Structures

   Value      DWORD         0
   NextNode   DWORD         0
ListNode ENDS

   HeadNode   DWORD   0
   TailNode   DWORD   0

; Prototypes

MakeNode   PROTO,   value:DWORD         ; Dynamically Allocates a new node and returns a pointer to it
Insert      PROTO,   theList:PTR List,   ; Inserts a node into a list
InsertSorted PROTO, theList:PTR List,   ; Inserts a node into a list in ascending order
Remove      PROTO,   theList:PTR List   ; Removes a node from the back of a list

; data segment

myList      List<0,0>
PromptForNumber      BYTE   "Insert a number(-1 to quit): ",0
PromptLinkedList   BYTE   "The contents of the linked list is:",0

; code segment

main PROC

   mov      edx, OFFSET PromptForNumber
   call   WriteString
   call   ReadInt ; value returned in eax
   cmp      eax, -1
   je      cont
   INVOKE   InsertSorted, ADDR myList, eax
jmp next
   mov      esi, myList.HeadNode
   test   esi, esi   ; is there a list?
   jz      done      ; if not don't print the list
   mov      edx, OFFSET PromptLinkedList
   call   WriteString
   call   Crlf
   mov      eax, (ListNode PTR [esi]).Value
   call   WriteDec
   mov      al, ' '
   call   WriteChar
   mov      esi, (ListNode PTR [esi]).NextNode
   cmp      esi, 0
   je      done
   jmp      printList

   INVOKE   ExitProcess, 0
main ENDP

;   MakeNode
;   Arguments: value:DWORD
;   Returns: a pointer to a newly allocated ListNode
;   Remarks: use this function to create a new node
;          for a linked list.
MakeNode PROC, value:DWORD

   push   edx
   push   ecx

   mov      edx, value
   mov      (ListNode PTR [eax]).Value, edx
   mov      (ListNode PTR [eax]).NextNode, 0
   pop      ecx
   pop      edx
MakeNode ENDP

;   Insert
;   Arguments:   theList:PTR List
;            value :DWORD
;   Returns: void
;   Remarks:   Use this function to insert a node into
;            a linked list
;            note: this function inserts at the front
Insert PROC,   theList:PTR List,

   INVOKE   MakeNode, value      ; returns new node in eax
   mov      ebx, theList
   mov      edx, (List PTR [ebx]).TailNode
   cmp      (List PTR [ebx]).HeadNode, 0 ; if the pointer to head node is zero then the list is empty
   je      empty
   mov      (ListNode PTR [edx]).NextNode, eax
   mov      (List PTR [ebx]).TailNode, eax
   jmp      done
   mov      (List PTR [ebx]).HeadNode, eax
   mov      (List PTR [ebx]).TailNode, eax
Insert ENDP

;   InsertSorted
;   Arguments:   theList:PTR List
;            value:DWORD
;   Returns: void
;   Remarks:   Use this function to insert a node into
;            a linked list sorted ascending
InsertSorted PROC, theList:PTR List,
   mov      eax, theList
   mov      ebx, (List PTR [eax]).HeadNode
   mov      ecx, 0      ; ecx will be a pointer to the last node, if it is zero then we
                  ; know that we're on our first node
   ; if(ebx == NULL) insert and set head and tail
   test ebx, ebx   ; is our list empty?
   jz    emptyList   ; yes
   ; while(ebx.NextNode != NULL)
   ; if(value <= ebx.Value) insert value into the list in back of
   mov      edx, value
   cmp      edx, (ListNode PTR [ebx]).Value
   jle      insertInBackOf                  ; ecx is not set if this is the first node
   mov      edx, (ListNode PTR [ebx]).NextNode
   test   edx, edx                     ; is the next node null?
   jz      InsertAtTail ; yes, this is our tail
   mov      ecx, ebx                     ; save current node
   mov      ebx, edx                     ; save our next node
   jmp      next
;insert in the back and set the tail
   invoke   MakeNode, value
   mov      ecx, eax ; store the new node in ecx for later use
   mov      eax, theList
   mov      eax, (List PTR [eax]).TailNode
   mov      (ListNode PTR [eax]).NextNode, ecx
   mov      eax, theList
   mov      (List PTR [eax]).TailNode, ecx
   jmp done
   ; note: ebx = current node
   ;      ecx = previous node
   test   ecx, ecx   ; if ecx is null then this is our first node
   jz      firstNode   ; it is so insert it as our first node
   invoke   MakeNode, value
   mov      (ListNode PTR [eax]).NextNode, ebx      ; ebx is our current node
   mov      (ListNode PTR [ecx]).NextNode, eax
   jmp      done
; insert node at head
   mov      ebx, theList
   mov      ecx, (List PTR [ebx]).HeadNode      ; save our current head pointer
   invoke   MakeNode, value
   mov      (List PTR [ebx]).HeadNode, eax      ; set the head pointer to our new pointer
   mov      (ListNode PTR [eax]).NextNode, ecx   ; put our saved pointer in the next node of our new pointer
   jmp      done
; list is empty

   invoke   MakeNode, value
   mov      ecx, eax ; save our new node
   mov      eax, theList
   mov      (List PTR [eax]).HeadNode, ecx
   mov      (List PTR [eax]).TailNode, ecx



InsertSorted ENDP

;   Remove
;   Arguments:   theList:PTR List
;   Returns:   1 success
;            0 fail
Remove PROC, theList:PTR List

   mov      ebx, (List PTR [theList]).HeadNode
   mov      edx, theList

   mov      eax, 0
   test   ebx, ebx   ; is the list empty?
   jz      done      ; yes then quit
   mov      eax, (ListNode PTR [ebx]).NextNode   ; NextNode
   cmp      eax, (List PTR [edx]).TailNode      ; is NextNode Tail Node ?
   je      continue                     ; yes, we've found it
   mov      ebx, (ListNode PTR [ebx]).NextNode   ; save NextNode
   jmp      next

   mov      eax, (List PTR [edx]).TailNode
   INVOKE   LocalFree, eax                  ; these functions don't save my registers!!!
   mov      (ListNode PTR [ebx]).NextNode, 0
   mov      (List PTR [edx]).TailNode, ebx
   mov      eax,1
Remove ENDP

End main
comments/questions and critique is welcome.
December 15, 2003, 11:11 PM
I'll be honest: I didn't read that.

But I did a linked list and binary tree in SPARC once, and it was actually really nice. I like "mov ecx,[ecx]" in a loop, it's just so pretty! :)

Good job, though, this forum needs activity :)
December 15, 2003, 11:24 PM
Were all your registers being clobbered or only eax, ecx, and edx? It's perfectly acceptable in all x86 OSes that I've seen to clobber those three, but it's generally quite rude to go ruining other registers from your caller without prior arrangement.
December 15, 2003, 11:35 PM
just eax, ecx and edx. I understand that the return value is in eax, but why don't they save ecx and edx?
December 15, 2003, 11:43 PM
[quote author=Kp link=board=7;threadid=4267;start=0#msg35594 date=1071531312]
Were all your registers being clobbered or only eax, ecx, and edx? It's perfectly acceptable in all x86 OSes that I've seen to clobber those three, but it's generally quite rude to go ruining other registers from your caller without prior arrangement.

That's more convention than anything. But you're right, the rest of the program would have to make special arrangements.
December 15, 2003, 11:43 PM
[quote author=Etheran link=board=7;threadid=4267;start=0#msg35595 date=1071531808]
just eax, ecx and edx. I understand that the return value is in eax, but why don't they save ecx and edx?
edx is used to return 64-bit values (along with eax).
December 16, 2003, 12:04 AM
I just took the final in the class and am satisfied to tell you all that I got an A. ;D
December 16, 2003, 3:25 AM
[quote author=Etheran link=board=7;threadid=4267;start=0#msg35595 date=1071531808]
just eax, ecx and edx. I understand that the return value is in eax, but why don't they save ecx and edx?[/quote]

Well, ecx is the counter register, so it's nice to be able to clobber it if you wanted to do a loop using rep. As Skywing pointed out, edx is used for part of a 64 bit return. IMO, it's mostly a convenience issue that it got set up this way - for simple functions that only need a few registers in use, being able to clobber eax/ecx/edx and not be required to restore them can simplify code flow and simplify the function assembly.
December 16, 2003, 4:13 AM
