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(Visual basic 6)
I read a few posts about winamp, and (unless I missed something) didn't come across any that explained or really gave any useful information on how I could have a bot skip to a specific song, like .play *Song*, and it would skip to a song that matched that. If anybody could give me a few steps in the right direction or something I would appreciate it
December 15, 2003, 4:09 AM
I posted this awhile back. It's in C++, so it needs to be converted, but that shouldn't be too hard. Also, I know it's crappy code, but You'll Get Over It.


//This header controls the easier aspects of winamp, such as
//changing songs, fast forwarding, rewinding, etc.

//to use it, call the function with the string command, which
//is a Null-Terminated string which should match to one of the
//commands I've written.

//ffwd and rwnd are special because they can take an optional
//parameter. If they are passed "rwnd 4" or "ffwd 5" (any number
//from 1 to 9) it will fast forward 5 seconds that many times.
//4 will fast foward 20 seconds, 9 will go 45, 1 will go 5, etc)

//Written by: Ron <>

#define WS_PREV 40044
#define WS_NEXT 40048
#define WS_PLAY 40045
#define WS_PAUSE 40046
#define WS_STOP 40047
#define WS_FFWD 40060
#define WS_RWND 40061

inline char *WinampSong()
   // Returns the current song, or null for error
   static char title[256];

   title = NULL;

   if(GetWindowText(FindWindow("Winamp v1.x", NULL), title, 255) && title)
      if(strlen(title) > 9)
         title[strlen(title) - 9] = '\0';
   return title;

bool Winamp(unsigned int Command)
   //A return value of true indicates good
   //0 means bad

   if(!FindWindow("Winamp v1.x", NULL))
      DisplayOnScreen("Winamp not found.");
      return true;
   case 0x00070250: // prev
      Command = WS_PREV;
   case 0x00073e3e: // next
      Command = WS_NEXT;
   case 0x0007f7b0: // play
      Command = WS_PLAY;
   case 0x00624360: // pause
      Command = WS_PAUSE;
   case 0x00076833: // stop
      Command = WS_STOP;
   case 0x00063106: // ffwd
      Command = WS_FFWD;
   case 0x00062902: // rwnd
      Command = WS_RWND;
   case 0x00061883: // song
         char *WASong = WinampSong();

         DisplayEx("Now playing: %s", (WASong && *WASong) ? WASong : "Winamp not found!");
         return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

   SendMessage(FindWindow("Winamp v1.x", NULL), WM_COMMAND, Command, NULL);

   return TRUE;

void DisplaySongIfChanged()
   char *CurrentSong = WinampSong();

      if(strcmp(g_WinampSong, CurrentSong))
         // If the song has changed
         DisplayEx("Now Playing: %s", CurrentSong);
         strcpy(g_WinampSong, CurrentSong);
December 15, 2003, 2:13 PM
