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If anyone knows a little about perl maybe you could help. I can't figure out how to output the data recieved through a socket... ie the data being sent from the server to the client.

February 22, 2003, 6:11 PM
That really can't be hard to find.....
February 22, 2003, 8:13 PM
It's not, but making the function work is.
recv SOCKET,SCALAR,LEN,FLAGS Receives a message on a socket.
however I'm confused on how to determine the length, and/or if I can put it in an array.
February 22, 2003, 8:16 PM
Wouldn't the Scalar be where the data is put?  And maybe the length is an output rather than an input, or maybe if you set length to 0 it would recieve infinite (although you should probably specify the length of your array or fear buffer overrun hacks)
February 23, 2003, 4:52 AM
