Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Re:saving a listview

im making a shitlist wiht a list view so i can edit it when i want to and stuff like that i was wonder how i would save my list to a txt file in my App.path like my .ini files save to and how i go about doing this "Put 1, , lstshit.List" or should i save it a differnt way?

Open "C:\shitlist.txt" For Binary As #1
Put 1, , lstshit.Text
Close #1
July 12, 2003, 7:05 AM
[code]Open App.Path & "TextFileName.txt" For Output As #1
For i = 1 To ListView1.ListItems.Count
Print #1, ListView1.ListItems(i).text
Next i
Close #1[/code]

That's a pretty simple way of doing it...
July 12, 2003, 7:31 AM
ty :) works
July 12, 2003, 8:51 AM
