Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development References | Creating a Chat Logging Feature

i was wondering whats the code in VB to make a command like Web bot has to save whats in the text box. like file > save and it gets all the text in a text bot i can save it to a text file :)
July 6, 2003, 12:37 AM
Open "C:\TestFile.txt" For Binary As #1
Put 1, , Text1.Text
Close #1
July 6, 2003, 1:13 AM
thanks and that works fine but i want to be able to save the file where i want/ name i want sorta like saving a file afte you made it in wordpad
July 6, 2003, 1:20 AM
well im no por but i think it would b like this:
Open form1.txtSaved.Text For Binary As #1
Put 1, , form1Save2.Text
Close #1
July 6, 2003, 1:53 AM
