Author | Message | Time |
fataly | so i get this on s->c 0x51 [18:40:02] Object Type: 2 [18:40:02] Object ID: -1232198278 [18:40:02] Object Unique ID: 267 [18:40:02] Object State: 0 [18:40:02] Interaction: 0 [18:40:02] Location X , Y: 4466 : 4629 state is 0 so state can change like take xp shrine, and interaction is 0 what means it is general object. But now the think what i cant understunt, there are many thinks on a1 what can be "general object" so where i know whats id is this? I will Thanks posters! , Fataly | January 25, 2009, 4:47 PM |
Ringo | You can find out what each object is, by looking in the objects.txt located in d2's mpq files. Failing that, theres a post here containing a list of 1.10 objects, altho I don't think any/many have changed since; For example, unique ID 267 is the bank (aka, stash) The ID asigned to a given entity, is to tell 2 of the same kind apart. For example, if you have 10 falens running around in act1, their ID's will be differnt, so you can clearly tell 1 from the other. This allows you to tell the server you are now attacking this entity, and not an entity close by, of the same type. | February 4, 2009, 10:58 AM |
fataly | [quote] The ID asigned to a given entity, is to tell 2 of the same kind apart. For example, if you have 10 falens running around in act1, their ID's will be differnt, so you can clearly tell 1 from the other. This allows you to tell the server you are now attacking this entity, and not an entity close by, of the same type. [/quote] That was the think what i wanted know :) Thanks. | February 4, 2009, 2:39 PM |