Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | General Programming | Interacting with a Javascipt created object using HTML DOM

(posted in general programming because this isn't necessarily vb6-specific)

The Javascript in the page that I'm trying to interact with in VB6 contains the following code:
function upchat(thecdata)

      top.OldChat=new Array("","");


I need to change the data inside of this array.

I am not sure how to reference this object, or array rather, using HTML DOM. It does not show up as a frame under Document.FRames and I'm not sure if I can even access arrays created like this. I just thought that items using "top." were frames. (edit: looks like that's actually top.frames.framename) I've been trying for awhile, but if anyone can give me a definite answer, that'd be great. Thanks
January 27, 2008, 6:43 PM
