Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | /WHOAMI -- Introductions | #pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:EVAN")

'lo there, I'm Evan. I've been playing Diablo II (Classic) for about seven years now (going on eight next year), and programming for five. I pretty much just know C++, AutoIt, general BASIC, and this little-known language called DreamMaker (similar to GameMaker, only not as annoying). Just recently, I was introduced to RedVex and developed an interest in writing my own plugins for RedVex. So far I've developed about 7 and released only two or three, but that's beside the point. My development of plugins lead me to the D2GS Packet Research Thread( Packet Research), a cached( version of BnetDocs, and BnetDocs: Redux(, all of which I found very useful, and mentally credited them all to vL (since the first was on the forums, and latter two were directly spawned from BnetDocs, which lived here). So I decided to sign up and lurk a bit.


Kyle Evans
December 1, 2007, 8:24 AM
Welcome!  :D
December 3, 2007, 2:05 AM
Welcome to the forums Kyle, you should most definitely enjoy it here, =).
December 3, 2007, 3:00 AM
