Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | General Discussion | Less Negative Posts

Someone posts asking for help on the computing forum and I see too many replies with smart remarks.  Often these are only meant to try to make someone feel bad, or toss in a you're-stupid-for-not-knowing-what-I-know remark with some actual advice.

Come on people, if you're going to help, then be helpful.  Of the following 3 types of replies, if you cannot guess which one is appropriate, I suppose the moderators will have to decide for you.

[ Reply Type #1 ]
Good information, links to more information, useful opinion of person replying, questions asking for clarification

[ Reply Type #2 ]
Some good information
and some type of negative remark about the person asking

[ Reply Type #3 ]
No useful information
Any other negative remark about the person asking

You're not special, none of you, if you're not helping people or building something.  An ape can destroy, tear down, and beat someone to a pulp.
So help people, build things, create.  Or don't reply.
July 11, 2007, 1:26 PM
You'll get over it

;) how are ya grok
July 15, 2007, 5:49 AM
hi =)
July 15, 2007, 6:02 PM
