Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Cdkey Validating

Does anybody have the algorithm for validating a starcraft or wacraft 2 cdkey?

June 24, 2003, 1:12 AM
There isn't a formula for telling whether or not a cdkey is valid for use with, other than using it with a bot and seeing if it works.

However, if you simply want to see if it is valid for install purposes you can use Yobguls' CDKeyDecode function. I don't know who still uses this but here it is...

BOOL DecodeCDKey(LPCTSTR lpszCDKey, DWORD * lpdwProductId, DWORD * lpdwValue1,
DWORD * lpdwValue2)
char key[1024], value[1024];
int i, length, keylength;
BOOL bValid;

length = strlen(lpszCDKey);
keylength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (isalnum(lpszCDKey[i]))
key[keylength] = lpszCDKey[i];
if (keylength == 13)
bValid = DecodeStarcraftKey(key);
else if (keylength == 16)
bValid = DecodeD2Key(key);
return FALSE;
strncpy(value, key, 2);
value[2] = '\0';
sscanf(value, "%X", lpdwProductId);
if (keylength == 16)
strncpy(value, &key[2], 6);
value[6] = '\0';
sscanf(value, "%X", lpdwValue1);
strcpy(value, &key[8]);
value[8] = '\0';
sscanf(value, "%X", lpdwValue2);
else if (keylength == 13)
strncpy(value, &key[2], 7);
value[7] = '\0';
sscanf(value, "%ld", lpdwValue1);
strncpy(value, &key[9], 3);
value[3] = '\0';
sscanf(value, "%ld", lpdwValue2);
return bValid;

If it returns TRUE it is valid for install
June 24, 2003, 2:39 AM
Thanks a lot Darkminion, can anyone convert this to vb?
June 24, 2003, 5:19 AM
[quote author=SiMi link=board=17;threadid=1684;start=0#msg12834 date=1056431959]
Thanks a lot Darkminion, can anyone convert this to vb?
I'm sure alot of people can.

The real question is, why would they? Or possibly even, why would they give it to you?
June 24, 2003, 7:34 AM
DM forgot to include DecodeStarcraftKey and DecodeD2Key :)

[quote]I don't know who still uses this[/quote]
I do (meaning, BNLS does), slightly modified to allow Warcraft 3 decoding as well.
June 24, 2003, 12:50 PM
The scanf/memcpy can be replaced with faster alternatives. Hint: reverse the order.
June 24, 2003, 9:26 PM
Don't blame me, blame slugboy.
June 24, 2003, 11:08 PM
i didn't write most of this (aside from the last part of DecodeCDKey) :)

[code]Public Function DecodeCDKey(ByVal Cdkey As String, ByRef ProdID As Long, ByRef Value1 As Long, Value2 As Long) As Boolean
'Starcraft: All digits are allowed. No letters are allowed.
'Diablo 2, Lord of Destruction, Warcraft 2: The following digits and letters are not allowed: 0135 AILOQSUY
'Warcraft 3, (probably) Frozen Throne: The following digits and letters are not allowed: 0135 AILOQSU

Cdkey = Replace(Cdkey, "-", "")
Cdkey = Replace(Cdkey, " ", "")
Cdkey = UCase(Cdkey)

Select Case Len(Cdkey)
Case 13
DecodeCDKey = DecodeStarcraftKey(Cdkey)
ProdID = Val("&H" & Left(Cdkey, 2))
Value1 = Mid(Cdkey, 3, 7)
Value2 = Mid(Cdkey, 10, 3)
Case 16
DecodeCDKey = DecodeD2Key(Cdkey)
ProdID = Val("&H" & Left(Cdkey, 2))
Value1 = Val("&H" & Mid(Cdkey, 3, 6))
Value2 = Val("&H" & Mid(Cdkey, 9)) ', 8))
#If DEBUG_ Then
Case 26
Debug.Assert False
#End If
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
Exit Function
End Select

#If Not CBool(DEBUG_) Then
Select Case frmSetup.ID & "-" & ProdID
Case "STAR-1"
Case "SEXP-1"
Case "JSTR-1"
Case "W2BN-4"
Case "D2DV-6"
Case "D2XP-10", "D2XP-6" '10 is the D2XP key, 6 is D2DV but you need the D2DV key to log in as D2XP
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
MsgBox "WARNING: cd key may be for the wrong product!" & vbCrLf & "Product = " & frmSetup.ID & vbCrLf & "ID = " & ProdID, vbExclamation
DecodeCDKey = False
End Select
#End If
End Function

Public Function DecodeStarcraftKey(ByRef Key As String) As Boolean
Dim R As Double, n As Double, n2 As Double, v As Double, _
v2 As Double, keyvalue As Double, c1 As Byte, c2 As Byte, C As Byte, _
bValid As Boolean, i As Integer, aryKey(0 To 12) As String
For i = 1 To 13
aryKey(i - 1) = Mid(Key, i, 1)
Next i
v = 3
For i = 0 To 11
C = aryKey(i)
n = Val(C)
n2 = v * 2
n = n Xor n2
v = v + n
Next i
v = v Mod 10
If Hex(v) = aryKey(12) Then
bValid = True
End If
v = 194
For i = 11 To 0 Step -1
If v < 7 Then GoTo continue
C = aryKey(i)
n = CInt(v / 12)
n2 = v Mod 12
v = v - 17
c2 = aryKey(n2)
aryKey(i) = c2
aryKey(n2) = C
Next i
v2 = &H13AC9741
For i = 11 To 0 Step -1
C = UCase(aryKey(i))
aryKey(i) = C
If Asc(C) <= Asc("7") Then
v = v2
c2 = v And &HFF
c2 = c2 And 7
c2 = c2 Xor C
v = RShift(CLng(v), 3)
aryKey(i) = c2
v2 = v
ElseIf Asc(C) < 65 Then
c2 = CByte(i)
c2 = c2 And 1
c2 = c2 Xor C
aryKey(i) = c2
End If
Next i
Key = Join(aryKey, "")
DecodeStarcraftKey = bValid
End Function

Public Function DecodeD2Key(ByRef Key As String) As Boolean
Dim R As Double, n As Double, n2 As Double, v As Double, _
v2 As Double, keyvalue As Double, c1 As Byte, c2 As Byte, _
C As Byte, bValid As Boolean, i As Integer, aryKey(0 To 15) As String, _
codevalues As String: codevalues = "246789BCDEFGHJKMNPRTVWXZ"

R = 1
keyvalue = 0

For i = 1 To 16
aryKey(i - 1) = Mid$(Key, i, 1)
Next i

For i = 0 To 15 Step 2
c1 = InStr(1, codevalues, aryKey(i)) - 1
If c1 = -1 Then c1 = &HFF
n = c1 * 3
c2 = InStr(1, codevalues, aryKey(i + 1)) - 1
If c2 = -1 Then c2 = &HFF
n = c2 + n * 8
If n >= &H100 Then
n = n - &H100
keyvalue = keyvalue Or R
End If
n2 = n
n2 = RShift(n2, 4)
aryKey(i) = GetHexValue(n2)
aryKey(i + 1) = GetHexValue(n)
'r = LShift(r, 1)
R = R * 2
Next i

v = 3
For i = 0 To 15
C = GetNumValue(aryKey(i))
n = Val(C)
n2 = v * 2
n = n Xor n2
v = v + n
Next i

v = v And &HFF
DecodeD2Key = IIf(v = keyvalue, True, False)

For i = 15 To 0 Step -1
C = Asc(aryKey(i))
If i > 8 Then
n = i - 9
n = i + 7 '&HF - (8 - i)
End If
n = n And &HF
c2 = Asc(aryKey(n))
aryKey(i) = Chr$(c2)
aryKey(n) = Chr$(C)
Next i

v2 = &H13AC9741
For i = 15 To 0 Step -1
C = Asc(UCase(aryKey(i)))
aryKey(i) = Chr$(C)
If Val(C) <= Asc("7") Then
v = v2
c2 = v And &HF
c2 = c2 And 7
c2 = c2 Xor C
v = RShift(v, 3)
aryKey(i) = Chr$(c2)
v2 = v
ElseIf Val(C) < Asc("A") Then
c2 = CByte(i)
c2 = c2 And 1
c2 = c2 Xor C
aryKey(i) = Chr$(c2)
End If
Next i

Key = Join(aryKey, "")
End Function

Private Function GetHexValue(v As Double) As String
v = v And &HF
If v < 10 Then
GetHexValue = Chr(v + &H30)
GetHexValue = Chr(v + &H37)
End If
End Function

Private Function GetNumValue(C As String) As Integer
C = UCase(C)
If IsNumeric(C) Then
GetNumValue = Asc(C) - &H30
GetNumValue = Asc(C) - &H37
End If
End Function[/code]
June 25, 2003, 12:45 AM
Thanks Camel!
June 25, 2003, 1:55 AM
