Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | General Discussion | I'm not sure where to post questions.

So i'm a 17 year old male, I live with my Mother and she does not claim me as a dependent.
I have been at my current job for about 2 months and I make $10 an hour.

Recently though I noticed a strange difference in my check statement and co-workers & friends;

I receive no Federal or CT (state) Exemptions / Allowances like my friends do.
Obviously I must of filed the wrong things on my w-4's. Promptly I changed that.

Taxable Marital Status: Single
Exemptions / Allowances:
      Federal: 0
      CT : 0, Filing Status D.

That's what the above read; I got about 21% deducted.

My friends reads;
Taxable Marital Status: Single
Exemptions / Allowances: 2
      Federal: 1
      CT : 1

He's exempt from the CT deductions and doesn't get nearly as much removed.
My work lent no aid upon hiring to fill out the forms, the requested they be filled out upon being hired and I felt pressured to complete them.
I understand I made a mistake, but is there any way to reclaim the Tax's taken that should not of been removed?
April 27, 2007, 9:37 PM
When you file your 1040EZ or 1040, it calculates the appropriate amount.  It doesn't actually use your allowances.

You'll probably have an abnormally large refund next year.
April 27, 2007, 9:51 PM
