Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Spht's Forum | [SphtBotv3] Input commands?

I was wondering if there was any way to have the bot respond to different things that the users say in the channel.

More specifically, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a simple script, somewhat like TDA.
A player could type !setgame <gamename> to set the game name, and someone could also type !game to display <gameame>. I'm not much of a 'scripter' and I have no idea how to script this.

Anyways, I was just wanting to know if it was possible. If it is, can someone point me in the direction of some tutorials or such to scripting for this bot?
March 12, 2007, 10:40 PM
Yes, that is possible

First, you'll need the oper plugin.

Now, to create the command, open oper.cfg and add this:

&5&&G&&"!setgame &+:set 1 $1
&5&&G&&"!setgame &+:set 2 $3
&5&&G&&"!setgame &Game set to: %3
&5&&G&&"!game"&%20 set game set to: %21

This allows anyone with the G flag to use the commands !setgame and !game.  I recommend only allow privileged users to access commands to prevent abuse.


[19:46:37] <Spht> !setgame This is a test
[19:46:37] <Spht@USEast> Game set to: This is a test
[19:47:15] <K20A> !game
[19:47:15] <Spht@USEast> Spht@Azeroth set game set to: This is a test

March 12, 2007, 11:25 PM
