Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Spht's Forum | sphtbot comands help!!!

hi again :D i've ??? how do u use the bot commands from another user, that its not the bot? i mean, for example i ve my bot on line then i go into and i wanna change de music from my game account in (not from the bot) can i use /next, /play, etc. commands.

also how can i do a greet message of idle message, and how can i make commands like eternalchat like when u wanna make a menu for clan (.info) ill be very thanksfull if u can help.
September 22, 2006, 8:57 PM
hi, what i mean before its that how do give acces to users¿? to use my bot commands. tnx
September 25, 2006, 2:22 AM
