Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Assembly Language (any cpu) | Visual Basic Class Modules!

For those of you who use vb + assembly with a hack-around that involves the use of class modules (;action=display;threadid=1515) here is some useful information:

%Define this [esp+04h]
%Define paramone [esp+08h]
%Define paramtwo [esp+0Ch]
%Define returnvalue [esp+10h]
mov eax, 0h ; hresult is returned in eax (0 = success; !0 = failure)

These are the parameters that will be passed into a function inside a class when it's called. (note: that is assembler using the nasm syntax)
June 6, 2003, 12:39 AM
Using assembly with VB is silly.
June 6, 2003, 2:31 PM
Quite agree, quite agree! Silly, silly, silly! Right!
Get on with it.
Get on with it!

And now... Full frontal nudity.
June 6, 2003, 3:49 PM
