Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | General Discussion | Beware, UK haxx0rz, your computer may be seized!

From /., [url],39020330,39279134,00.htm[/url]:

[quote]Asbos give the courts almost unlimited powers when imposing conditions on the person receiving the order. Under the Home Office proposals, the courts would have almost unlimited discretion to impose the order if they believe it probable that a suspect had "acted in a way which facilitated or was likely to facilitate the commissioning of serious crime". In a civil court, hearsay is admissible evidence, and the burden of proof is lighter than criminal courts.[/quote]

It would enable civil courts to impose the orders on individuals, even if they had not been convicted of a crime.
Tsch, and you say the US tramples rights....  :P
July 19, 2006, 12:58 AM
