Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Diablo II/Lord of Destruction statstring

Has anyone fully figured this yet?  A couple years ago I was writting a BinaryChat plugin thats purpose was to show a separate window containing rendered Diablo II characters for every user in the channel, using Diablo II resource files--there's lots of DCC (animation) files thats title convention maps to body part, race, equipment, etc., IIRC.

I just happened to come across my incomplete plugin and notes today, and was wondering how far has anyone actually taken this?  It should be a lot easier to map the statstring to the correct DCC files, rather than trying to name everything the player is wearing.
July 3, 2006, 3:49 AM
Hmm, give me SphtBotv3 with UDP game stuff and I'll help you again :)

Edit: reminds me...BnetDocs still needs D2 statstring formats
July 3, 2006, 4:38 AM
iago has a huge chunk of it figured out:
July 3, 2006, 4:40 PM
