Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | General Discussion | Anyone ever taken someone to small claims court?...

dude rearends me.
Repairs: $1500
Value (deemeded by Farmers Ins): $1080
They offer me $1080 & they retain car or they offer me $1080 & I buy buy car for $110 w/salvaged title.

So basically they stiff for for $110 & I get it up the backside and take a salvaged title...personally, I dont care, I still have my truck, I'm fine.

The principle of the matter is that I was rearended by someone (not my fault) now I'm getting shafted because someone hit me?...I think not.

SO, either I accept checks (which I may do after consulting lawyer whom I work for) or I take Farmers Ins/dude who hit me to small claims court.
February 11, 2006, 12:02 AM
