Author | Message | Time |
JoeTheOdd | Heres my parser for it. It spits out ugly messages, and is horribly inefficent at doing so. There has got to be an easier way than this! Anyhow, heres what I've managed to do. [quote][12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] Friends List: [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] krazed[x86] (Mutual Away) is in chat and using StarCraft Expansion in the channel op x86. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] ersan is offline. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] x86 is in chat and using WarCraft II: BNE. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] WirE is offline. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] vuther is offline. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] InsaneJoey[x86] is offline. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] Screenor is in chat and using WarCraft II: BNE. [12:56:10 AM] [BNCS-DEBUG] HdxBmx27 is offline.[/quote] [quote]'Status Constants Private Const bMutual As Byte = &H1 Private Const bDND As Byte = &H2 Private Const bAway As Byte = &H3 'Location Constants Private Const bOffline As Byte = &H0 Private Const bNotInChat As Byte = &H1 Private Const bInChat As Byte = &H2 Private Const bInPubGame As Byte = &H3 Private Const bInPrivGame As Byte = &H4 Public Sub ParseFriends(S As String) Call AddChat(frmMain.rtbChat, True, vbYellow, "[BNCS-DEBUG] Friends List:") Dim Debuff As clsDebuffer, i As Byte, Name As String, Status As Byte, Location As Byte, ProductID As String, Channel As String Set Debuff = New clsDebuffer With Debuff Let .Buffer = S Call .RemoveHeader(4) 'Remove Header For i = 1 To .RemoveByte Name = .RemoveNTString Status = .RemoveByte Location = .RemoveByte ProductID = .RemoveVoid(4) Channel = .RemoveNTString Call AddChat(frmMain.rtbChat, True, vbYellow, AssembleMessage(Name, ParseStatus(Status), ParseLocation(Location), modMain.GetProductName(ProductID), Channel)) Next i End With End Sub Private Function ParseStatus(B As Byte) As String Dim Mutual As Boolean, DND As Boolean, Away As Boolean If B And bMutual Then Mutual = True If B And bDND Then DND = True If B And bAway Then Away = True Dim Ret As String Ret = Ret & IIf(Mutual, "Mutual ", vbNullString) Ret = Ret & IIf(DND, "DND ", vbNullString) Ret = Ret & IIf(Away, "Away", vbNullString) ParseStatus = Ret End Function Public Function ParseLocation(B As Byte) Select Case B Case bOffline ParseLocation = "offline" Case bNotInChat ParseLocation = "not in chat" Case bInChat ParseLocation = "in chat" Case bInPubGame ParseLocation = "in public game" Case bInPrivGame ParseLocation = "in private game" End Select End Function Public Function AssembleMessage(Name As String, Status As String, Location As String, ProductID As String, Channel As String) Dim Ret As String Let Ret = Ret & "[BNCS-DEBUG] " Let Ret = Ret & Name Let Ret = Ret & Space(1) & IIf(Len(Status) = 0, vbNullString, "(" & Status & ") ") Let Ret = Ret & "is " & Location If Location = "offline" Then AssembleMessage = Ret & ".": Exit Function Let Ret = Ret & " and using " & ProductID If Location = "not in chat" Then AssembleMessage = Ret & ".": Exit Function If Location = "in chat" And InStr(1, Status, "Mutual") Then AssembleMessage = Ret & " in the channel " & Channel & ".": Exit Function Let AssembleMessage = Ret & ".": Exit Function 'Call AddChat(frmMain.rtbChat, True, vbYellow, "[BNCS-DEBUB] " & Name & "(" & ParseStatus(Status) & ") is " & ParseLocation(Location) & " using " & modMain.GetProductName(ProductID) & " in " & Channel & ".") End Function[/quote] EDIT - More code. [code]Private Sub CSB_UnhandledPacket(SocketName As String, Packet As String, RawData As String, HexData As String) Select Case Mid(Packet, 4) Case "65" Call ParseFriends(RawData) Case Else '... End Select End Sub[/code] [quote]Private Sub tmrFriends_Timer() If CSB.Connected Then Call CSB.BuildPacket("BNET", "PACKET", &H65) End Sub[/quote] Yes, I am using CSB. Leave me alone. /cry. | August 15, 2005, 6:58 AM |
Myndfyr | I don't think it's that inefficient, unless your debuffer is horribly inefficient. The only place you could really tune that is when you're formatting the string. You might be able to speed it up with sprintf or something, but I don't really think that's necessary. | August 15, 2005, 3:55 PM |