Author | Message | Time |
PaiD | In Visual Basic, there were color consts like VbGreen, vbWhite, vbBlack, etc and in Delphi there are clGreen, clBlack, clWhite, etc. My Question is, in Delphi can you get the color const list?? I cant seem to find it and I have googled also with no luck. Any1 know? Edit: Nevermind. Minutes after I posted that, I found my answer [code] clBlack clMaroon clGreen clOlive clNavy clPurple clTeal clGray clSilver clRed clLime clYellow clBlue clFuchsia clAqua clWhite clScrollBar clBackground clActiveCaption clInactiveCaption clMenu clWindow clWindowFrame clMenuText clWindowText clCaptionText clActiveBorder clInactiveBorder clAppWorkSpace clHighlight clHighlightText clBtnFace clBtnShadow clGrayText clBtnText clInactiveCaptionText clBtnHighlight cl3DDkShadow cl3DLight clInfoText clInfoBk clNone[/code] | August 4, 2005, 4:24 AM |