Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Spht's Forum | need serious help...

from listen i use your bot (eternal chat) and i need some help. where do i put the things like :
&5&&T&23 != $1&&+/kick %1 No chatting.  This is a warning
&5&&T&23 == $1&&+/ban %1 You've been warned
&5&&T&&&:set 4 $1

&23&&T&23 != $1&&+/kick %1 No chatting.  This is a warning
&23&&T&23 == $1&&+/ban %1 You've been warned
&23&&T&&&:set 4 $1
I need lots of help...all i want it to do really is say this when people join the channel:
"Welcome to Clan Raw! Our Joining Reqs are currently 42%. You may visit our website at!"

but i dont know how to write it or where to put it when its written, please help me step by step.
June 28, 2005, 11:23 PM
Dont you just set the greet to say that? Or idle or something..

Any normal bot, would just require you to type your greet message in, and press 'OK' or whatever and it works... :-\
June 29, 2005, 5:27 PM
Those would go in a file named scripts.txt in EternalChat's directory.
June 29, 2005, 10:21 PM
it wont work :( . i dont get it.. does there need to be a space in front of it? do i need to delete everything else in scripts.txt or what? and what about the quotes what do they do?
June 30, 2005, 1:46 PM
No space infront of the ampersands.  EternalChat may not support the scripting you're using.  See the default scripts.txt that comes with the EternalChat download.
June 30, 2005, 6:29 PM
well i have the same problem, im the chief of a wc3 clan called SnS, well i want to make a bot to say hi, blah blah...but i dont know how!!

i know about the script file... but do i need to delete the info that this file contains??

what do i need to do?? i know nothing about bots! i recentrly (today) downloaded this plz help me!!!!
August 16, 2005, 11:00 PM
