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Ok in my modVariables I declare my Singly API Like this

Public Declare Function singly Lib "BnetAuth.dll" Alias "CreateAccount" (ByVal outbuf As String, ByVal Password As String) As Long

But when i call my singly function when i go to send 0x3D its givingme the error "Cannot find dll entry point CreateAccount"

Now ive tried getting a new BnetAuth.dll from HDX via PM but its giving me same Error, Any Ideas or can anyone help me Convert to using BNCSutil.dll because i havent read up on BNCSutil.dll

Any help would be appreciated.
March 17, 2005, 7:40 AM
There is no CreateAccount() function in the BnetAuth library.  IIRC, the function for single hashing a password is X().
March 17, 2005, 9:27 AM
