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shout | I am having trouble with alphanumeric keys. I figured it would be eaiser to pass they key as an array of bytes rather than a string, but mabye I am wrong. Could someone just glance at my code and see if I am doing wrongly? Outputs: BNLS: [code] [0x0] 0x10 [0x1] 0xc [0x2] 0xe3d332 [0x3] 0x0 [0x4] 0x9ae79ec6 [0x5] 0x5728e3be [0x6] 0xabeee404 [0x7] 0xb5e1af8e [0x8] 0xd493f8ac [/code] Mine: [code] [0x0] 0x10 [0x1] 0x24 [0x2] 0x5e5d30 [0x3] 0x0 [0x4] 0x5889db6e [0x5] 0x83835d24 [0x6] 0xe59aa967 [0x7] 0xe2d5ce17 [0x8] 0xeb9e0461 [/code] My beautifully uncommented code: [code] public static int[] DecodeAlphanumericKey(string Key) { byte[] bKey = new byte[cKey.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < cKey.Length; i++) { bKey = (byte)Key[i]; } byte[] BKey = d2Final(d2Shuffle(keyPass1(bKey))); int[] rValues = new int[3]; string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(BKey); rValues[0] = int.Parse(s.Substring(0,2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); rValues[1] = int.Parse(s.Substring(2,6), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); rValues[2] = int.Parse(s.Substring(8,8), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); return rValues; } static byte[] keyPass1(byte[] Key) { byte[] key = new byte[Key.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Key, 0, key, 0, Key.Length); byte codevalue1, codevalue2; int keyvalue1, keyvalue2; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) { codevalue1 = (byte)alphaMap[key[i]]; codevalue2 = (byte)alphaMap[key[i+1]]; keyvalue1 = codevalue1 * 3; keyvalue1 = codevalue2 + keyvalue1 * 8; if (keyvalue1 >= 0x100) keyvalue1 -= 0x100; keyvalue2 = keyvalue1 >> 4; key[i] = (byte)getHexVal(keyvalue1); key[i + 1] = (byte)getHexVal(keyvalue2); } return key; } static byte[] d2Shuffle(byte[] Key) { byte[] key = new byte[Key.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Key, 0, key, 0, Key.Length); byte keyIndex; for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--) { if (i > 8) keyIndex = (byte)(i - 9); else keyIndex = (byte)(0xF - (8 - i)); keyIndex &= 0xF; swap(key, i, keyIndex); } return key; } static byte[] swap(byte[] data, int posA, int posB) { byte a = data[posA]; data[posA] = data[posB]; data[posB] = a; return data; } static byte[] d2Final(byte[] Key) //This is the same as the starcraft one, {// only the loop changes. int hashKey = 0x13AC9741; byte[] key = new byte[Key.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Key, 0, key, 0, Key.Length); for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--) { byte b = (byte)char.ToUpper((char)key[i]); key[i] = b; if (b <= '7') { b = (byte)(hashKey & 0xFF); b &= 7; b ^= key[i]; hashKey >>= 3; key[i] = b; } else if (b < 'A') { b = (byte)i; b &= 1; b ^= key[i]; key[i] = b; } } return key; } static char getHexVal(int v) { v &= 0xF; if (v < 10) return (char) (v + 0x30); else return (char) (v + 0x37); } [/code] Thanks to all who put up with me. [i]EDIT:Code Update. | January 15, 2005, 12:39 AM |