Valhalla Legends Forums Archive | Bot Development | Requesting Brood War Ladder Stats

How would I go about requesting Brood War Ladder Stats? I don't want any code, I just want to know what to send & receive. Thanks.
April 12, 2003, 12:01 PM
[code]Public Function RequestLadder(First As Integer, Length As Integer, Product As String)
SendPacket &H2E, UCase(StrReverse(Product)) & MKL(1) & MKL(0) & MKL(CLng(First)) & MKL(CLng(Length))
StartLadder = First
End Function[/code]

parsing it out isn't quite so took me about half a day to do it :(

[edit] also note that you will never get more than 20 results back from bnet
April 12, 2003, 6:55 PM
arta can put this on bnetdocs if he wants...

0x2E server response
(DWORD) Product
(16 bytes you probably don't need)

for each result:
(DWORD) Current Wins
(DWORD) Current Losses
(DWORD) Current Disconnects
(DWORD) Current Rating
(DWORD) Current Rank
(DWORD) Accepted Wins
(DWORD) Accepted Losses
(DWORD) Accepted Disconnects
(DWORD) Accepted Rating
(DWORD) Accepted Rank
(DWORD) High Rating
(DWORD) Season
(FILETIME) Current Last Game
(FILETIME) Accepted Last Game
(STRING) Username
April 12, 2003, 7:05 PM
