List of commands

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Revision as of 23:16, 24 March 2016 by PhiX (talk) (Bot information: removed alias "sdetail" from list since "scriptdetail" is the main command)
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StealthBot has 160 built-in commands for many purposes.

Bot information

  • about - States the bot's version information.
  • accountinfo - Gets the bot's account's information from
  • allseen - States the last fifteen users that the bot has seen.
  • bancount - States the current number of users that have been banned from the channel.
  • banlistcount - Reports the number of users currently on the bot's internal ban list.
  • banned - States all users that the bot has banned during the duration of its role as channel moderator.
  • clientbans - Lists all of the bot's currently banned clients.
  • detail - Displays database information regarding the specified user.
  • find - Displays a user's or group's rank and flags.
  • findattr - States all users with the specified flag(s).
  • findgrp - Lists all of the members of the specified group.
  • getping - States the requesting user's connection latency with the server.
  • help - Provides additional information on a command such as the format, parameters, and a description of its function.
  • helpattr - Lists each of the commands available to the specified attribute.
  • helprank - Lists each of the commands available to the specified rank.
  • info - States basic information about a specified user residing within the channel.
  • initperf - Returns initialization performance information about currently loaded scripts.
  • lastseen - States the last fifteen users that the bot has seen.
  • lastwhisper - States the name of the user whom last privately messaged the bot.
  • localip - Displays the local IP address used to connect to
  • owner - States the owner of the bot.
  • phrases - States the currently active phrasebans.
  • ping - States a specified user's latency with the server if the user is present within the current channel.
  • profile - States the specified user's user profile. (If used in the bot, will display profile information in a special window.)
  • safecheck - States the safelist status of a specified user or tag.
  • safelist - States the users currently on the safelist.
  • scriptdetail - Returns additional details about the specified script.
  • scripts - Lists all of the bot's currently loaded scripts. (Names encased in parenthesis means the script is disabled.)
  • server - States the address of the server that the bot is currently connected to.
  • shitcheck - States the shitlist status of a specified user or tag.
  • shitlist - States the users currently on the shitlist.
  • tagbans - States the tags currently on the tagban list.
  • time - States the current system time.
  • trigger - States the current string used for command identification. (always used with the trigger '?')
  • uptime - States the current system and application operational times.
  • where - States the channel that the bot is currently residing within.
  • whoami - States the requesting user's rank and flags.
  • whois - States the specified users's rank and flags.

Clan related

  • clan - Enables or disables clan channel privacy status, change the clan's motd, or send a mail to everyone in the clan.
  • demote - Demotes the specified user in the current WarCraft III clan.
  • disbandclan - Disbands the bot's current clan.
  • invite - Invites a specified user into the clan in which the bot is a member.
  • makechieftain - Makes the specified clan member the chieftain of the bot's clan.
  • motd - Displays the clan's current Message of the Day.
  • promote - Promotes the specified user in the current WarCraft III clan.
  • setmotd - Sets the clan's message of the day.

Media player

  • allowmp3 - Toggles the use of mp3 commands.
  • fos - Toggles fade-out stop for the the selected media player.
  • loadwinamp - Attempts to launch Winamp on the local computer.
  • mp3 - States the currently playing track from a compatibile media player running on the local computer.
  • next - Skips to the next playlist entry in the selected media player's playlist.
  • pause - Pauses or resumes playback in the selected media player.
  • play - Begins playback in the currently selected media player.
  • previous - Skips to the pevious playlist entry in the selected media player's playlist.
  • repeat - Toggles the selected media player's repeat setting.
  • setvol - Changes the selected media player's volume to the specified level.
  • shuffle - Toggles the use of shuffle mode for the selected media player.
  • stop - Terminates playback in the currently selected media player.
  • useitunes - Will attempt to use iTunes as the target media player for use with mp3 commands.
  • usewinamp - Will attempt to use Winamp as the target media player for use with mp3 commands.


  • away - Instructs the bot to set an away message using the specified phrase.
  • back - Instructs the bot to clear any currently set away message.
  • block - Filters any incoming message from the specified user.
  • connect - Makes the bot attempt to connect to
  • cq - Clears the outgoing chat message queue.
  • disconnect - Disconnects the bot from
  • expand - Echos a specified phrase, placing a space after each character.
  • fadd - Instructs the bot to add a specified user to the bot's friends list.
  • filter - Filters any incoming messages containing the specified phrase.
  • forcejoin - Makes the bot forcefully (attempt to create if not exists) join the specified channel.
  • frem - Instructs the bot to remove a specified user from the bot's friends list.
  • home - Makes the bot join its home channel.
  • ignore - Instructs the bot to squelch a specified user.
  • igpriv - Makes the bot ignore all messages within private chat channels from users not on the bot's friends list.
  • join - Makes the bot join the specified channel.
  • quickrejoin - Makes the bot rejoin the current channel.
  • reconnect - Forces the bot to attempt to reconnect to the selected server.
  • rejoin - Makes the bot rejoin the current channel.
  • say - Echos a specified phrase.
  • scq - Silently clears the outgoing message queue.
  • shout - Echos a specified phrase using all capital letters.
  • unblock - Stops filtering any incoming message from the specified user.
  • unfilter - Stops filtering any incoming messages containing the specified phrase.
  • unignore - Instructs the bot to unsquelch a specified user.
  • unigpriv - Makes the bot unignore all messages within private chat channels from users not on the bot's friends list.
  • watch - Makes the specified user's name appear red inbot.
  • watchoff - Stops watching for a user, They will no longer shop up as red.


  • add - Creates or modifies a specified database entry.
  • clear - Clears all of the text in the bot's chat window.
  • disable - Disables the specified script.
  • dump - Dumps temporary packet information to a file.
  • enable - Enables the specified script.
  • locktext - Disables the display of incoming chat messages.
  • quit - Terminates the bot's execution.
  • rem - Removes a specified user from the bot's database.
  • setbnlsserver - Changes the configuration entry for the BNLS server to the server specified.
  • setcommandline - Changes the command line for the bot's instance.
  • setexpkey - Changes the bot's expansion CD-Key configuration entry to the one specified.
  • sethome - Sets the bot's home channel to the channel specified.
  • setkey - Changes the bot's CD-Key configuration entry to the one specified.
  • setname - Changes the configuration entry for the username to the username specified.
  • setpass - Changes the configuration entry for the password to the password specified.
  • setpmsg - Defines a message for use during channel protection.
  • setserver - Changes the configuration entry for the server to the server specified.
  • settrigger - Sets the bot's command identifier to the specified.
  • whispercmds - Toggles or displays the use of private messaging as a means for delivering command responses.


  • addphrase - Adds the specified phrase to the phrasebans list.
  • ban - Removes a user from the channel for the duration of the bot's role as a channel moderator.
  • cadd - Adds the specified client to the bot's list of banned clients.
  • cdel - Removes the specified client from the bot's list of banned clients.
  • chpw - Enables, disables, changes, or displays the channel password protection.
  • clearbanlist - Clears the bot's internal banlist. Used for ban evasion and unbanning wildcards.
  • d2levelban - States the minimum level permissible for Diablo II users joining the channel.
  • des - Designates the specified user as heir to the channel moderator position or states the currently designated user.
  • delphrase - Removes a phrase from the phrasebans list.
  • exile - Adds a specified user to the bot's shitlist and will then attempt to ban and ignore the user.
  • giveup - Designates the specified user and resigns from channel moderator position.
  • idlebans - Allows the requesting user to check or change the status of idle banning.
  • ipban - Instructs the bot to squelch and ban a specified user.
  • ipbans - Enables, Disables, or displays the status of the bot's IP banning system.
  • kick - Temporarily removes a user from the channel.
  • kickonyell - Enables, disables, or displays the status of kicking users from the channel when they yell.
  • levelban - States the minimum level permissible for WarCraft III users joining the channel.
  • peonban - Enables, disables, or displays the status of WarCraft III peon banning.
  • phrasebans - The "phrasebans" command will enable, disable, or state the status of, phrase banning.
  • plugban - The "plugban" command will enable, disable, or state the status of, UDP plug banning.
  • poff - Disables the use of phrasebanning.
  • pon - Enables the use of phrasebanning.
  • protect - Allows the requesting user to enable, disable, or check the status of, channel protection.
  • pstatus - States the current status of phrasebanning.
  • quiettime - Enables/disables the use of quiettime, or displays the current status of quiet time.
  • resign - Forces the bot to resign from its status as a channel moderator.
  • safeadd - Safelists a specified user or group of users.
  • safedel - Removes a safelist entry for a specifed user or group of users.
  • shitadd - Adds a specified user to the shitlist.
  • shitdel - Removes a specified user from the shitlist.
  • sweepban - Will attempt to ban all users within the specified channel.
  • sweepignore - Attempts to ignore (squelch) all users within the specified channel.
  • tagadd - Adds a specified tag to the tagban list.
  • tagdel - Removes a specifed tag from the tagban list.
  • uban - Unbans a user from the channel.
  • unexile - Removes a specified user from the bot's shitlist, and will then attempt to unban and unignore the user.
  • unipban - Unbans, and UnSquelches the selected user.
  • voteban - Initiates a tally of "yes" and "no" responses, potentially resulting in the banning of a specified user from the channel.
  • votekick - Initiates a tally of "yes" and "no" responses, potentially resulting in the kicking of a specified user from the channel.


  • addquote - Adds a quote to the quote database.
  • bmail - Stores a message for the specified user.
  • cancel - Stops all votes that are currently in progress.
  • checkmail - Returns the number of pending mail the user has.
  • exec - Executes the provided visual basic script code.
  • flip - Initiates a coin toss and states the results.
  • greet - Enables, disables, or changes the settings of, a welcome message.
  • idle - Enables or disables the use of idle messages.
  • idletime - Sets the bot's idle delay to the specified numer of minutes.
  • idletype - Sets the bot's idle message to the specified type.
  • inbox - Retreives any stored mail for the requesting user.
  • math - States the result of specified mathematical expression.
  • mmail - Stores a message for all users matching the specified rank or flag.
  • quote - Echos a random quote from the quote database.
  • readfile - States the contents of a specified file within the bot's directory.
  • roll - States a random value between 0 and the specified value. (Defaults to 100)
  • setidle - Will set the bot's idle to the specified message.
  • tally - States the results for the most recent or currently active vote.
  • vote - Initiates a tally of "yes" and "no" responses.

See also