BN# Developer Guide

Notice: this documentation was retrieved from an archive of the JinxBot source files, and the original site where this information was hosted is no longer available. Additionally, several updates have been made to the servers since this was developed, and it may no longer be fully compatible on official servers.

BN# is a library designed so that developers can quickly create a functioning binary client for classic It does this by providing a neatly-packaged programming interface that hides most of the mundane implementation details from the developer.

While the library itself is targeted to the .NET Framework 2.0, the examples below use C# 3.0 only features, which requires the .NET Framework 3.5 compiler.

How to Develop a Client in 10 Minutes

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new Console Application project.
  2. In the project explorer, right click on the references folder and choose “Add Reference”
  3. In the “Browse” tab, navigate to the directory where you have BNSharp.dll and choose it.
  4. Next you must implement the settings interface – right-click on your project and choose “Add Class” – give it a name. An example implementation is below.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using BNSharp;
using BNSharp.BattleNet;

namespace BnsDemoClient
    class ClientSettings : IBattleNetSettings
        public string CdKey1

        public string CdKey2

        public string CdKeyOwner
            get { return "BNSharp"; }
            set { }

        public string Client
            get { return Product.StarcraftRetail.ProductCode; }
            set { }

        public string GameExe
            get { return @"c:\GameFiles\STAR\Starcraft.exe"; }
            set { }

        public string GameFile2
            get { return @"c:\GameFiles\STAR\storm.dll"; }
            set { }

        public string GameFile3
            get { return @"c:\GameFiles\STAR\battle.snp"; }
            set { }

        public string HomeChannel

        public string ImageFile
            get { return @"c:\GameFiles\STAR\star.bin"; }
            set { }

        public string Password

        public BNSharp.BattleNet.PingType PingMethod
            get { return PingType.Normal; }
            set { }

        public int Port
            get { return 6112; }
            set { }

        public string Server
            get { return ""; }
            set { }

        public string Username

        public int VersionByte
            get { return 0xd1; }
            set { }

Note: StarCraft is no longer supported on official servers, so you will need to change the “Client” property’s get method to return a different game’s product code. You will also need to update the game file paths to point to the files for the different game.

  1. Go to the project’s entry point and create a new instance of the client using your custom settings class. You can either prompt the user for the values, or hard code them (just don’t publish your code if you do the latter!). The example below prompts the user:
static void Main(string[] args)
      string userName, password, key;
      Console.WriteLine("Specify username: ");
      userName = Console.ReadLine();
      Console.WriteLine("Specify password: ");
      password = Console.ReadLine();
      Console.WriteLine("Specify CD key for Starcraft:");
      key = Console.ReadLine();

      ClientSettings settings = new ClientSettings
           CdKey1 = key,
           Username = userName,
           Password = password

      BattleNetClient client = new BattleNetClient(settings);
  1. Next you will need to hook up event handlers. This is done at the bottom of the above example, while still in the brackets. You can tweak the strings to change how events are displayed.
client.Connected += delegate
client.EnteredChat += delegate(object sender, EnteredChatEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("Entered chat as {0}", e.UniqueUsername);
client.JoinedChannel += delegate(object sender, ServerChatEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("Joined Channel: {0}", e.Text);
client.UserJoined += delegate(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("User Joined: {0} ({1})", e.User.Username, e.User.Stats.Product.Name);
client.UserLeft += delegate(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("User left: {0}", e.User.Username);
client.UserShown += delegate(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("User Joined: {0} ({1})", e.User.Username, e.User.Stats.Product.Name);
client.UserSpoke += delegate(object sender, ChatMessageEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("<{0}>: {1}", e.Username, e.Text);
client.UserEmoted += delegate(object sender, ChatMessageEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("<{0} {1}>", e.Username, e.Text);
client.WhisperSent += delegate(object sender, ChatMessageEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("You whisper to {0}: {1}", e.Username, e.Text);
client.WhisperReceived += delegate(object sender, ChatMessageEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} whispers: {1}", e.Username, e.Text);
client.LoginFailed += delegate(object sender, LoginFailedEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("Login failed: {0}", e.Reason);
  1. Finally, create the main chat loop, which will keep the program running and waiting for user input, disconnecting when the user inputs the “/quit” command.
Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to connect or Ctrl+C to quit.");


string input = null;
       input = Console.ReadLine();
       if (input != "/quit")
} while (input != "/quit");

Console.WriteLine("Disconnected.  Press <enter> to quit.");
  1. You’re done! Press F5 to build and run the project. Sample output below.
Entered chat as DarkTemplar~AoA
Joined Channel: StarCraft USA-1
User Joined: mclarenf1 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: JESUS_is_LORD (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: destroyer-x1 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: pnut (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: dravenxx (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: Suspect45 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: IAMAHAZARD (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: bh12345 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: Olgarn (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: T.J.T.E.R.R.A.N (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: chaneyy (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: lukeduke152 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: 843ilikeeggs (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: MagicMurder (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: DDKush (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: CLAW(GG) (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: soccerballa77 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: HRZ1 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: sbatten2 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: HandofArtanis (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: ulostme[fun] (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: ModdedLawnMower (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: tyler_howe (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: RODIMUS (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: sidler (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: staal18 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: m3driven (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: devinlacross (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: hbsblows (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: Dazzler007 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: nano0 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: Robomarine (Starcraft (Retail))
Hi everyone
User Joined: fkuc (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: E3S (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: ShRoOmS_NukkA (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: rushrushrush2 (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: ChaosDivElite (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: DarkTemplar~AoA (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: dirkacat (Starcraft (Retail))
User left: E3S <ulostme[fun]>: go to clan op xfun-
User Joined: dimwitt (Starcraft (Retail))
User left: m3driven
User left: fkuc <ulostme[fun]>: on west
User Joined: ogima (Starcraft (Retail))
User left: tyler_howe
User Joined: E3S (Starcraft (Retail))
User Joined: m3driven (Starcraft (Retail)) 
<ulostme[fun]>: hi
User left: Robomarine
User Joined: fkuc (Starcraft (Retail))
User left: hbsblows
Disconnected. Press to quit.