`post_format` type `str:format` default '`{timestamp:%H:%M:%S}` {post}' The format of all messages that are sent from the feed to Discord ("posted" to the feed). ---- `{timestamp}`: [datetime] current timestamp in `timezone` `{timestamp_utc}`: [datetime] current timestamp in UTC `{post}`: [string] The post text `chat_format` type `str:format` default '<{hl}{name}{hl_end}> {text}' The format of text chat. `emote_format` type `str:format` default '<{hl}{name}{hl_end} {text}>' The format of emoted chat. `bot_alert_format` type `str:format` default '__**{INFO_TYPE}**__ <{hl}{name}{hl_end}> {text}' The format of informational text. `server_alert_format` type `str:format` default '__**SERVER {INFO_TYPE}**__ {text}' The format of informational text without a username field (from the server). ----- `{hl}`: [string] Combined highlight starter. `{hl_end}`: [string] Combined highlight ender (the result of reversing the `{hl}` string. `{name}`: [string] Username `{NAME}`: [string] Username, all caps `{text}`: [string] Message text `{info_text}`: [string] Type of alert: "broadcast", "info", or "error" `{INFO_TEXT}`: [string] Type of alert: "BROADCAST", "INFO", or "ERROR", all caps `users_list_format` type `str:format` default '__**Users in {channel}{server_icon} ({count})**__\n\n{list}' The format of the entire user list. ----- {channel}: Current channel name. {server_address}: Current Battle.net server IP address. {server}: Current server name, a friendly name if available, otherwise just the value of {server_address}. {server_icon}: Current server name as one of four emoji for each of the Classic Battle.net gateways. If it's not one of those, a :blank: emoji is used, and {server} or {server_address} should be used. Please tell me about additional servers and if you want an emoji to represent it, such as for private servers. `join_format` type `str:format` default '{prod_icon}{name} *{ping:,}ms* has joined.' The format of a join message. `part_format` type `str:format` default '{name} has left.' The format of a part/leave message. `users_item_format` type `str:format` default '{prod_list_icon}{hl}{name}{hl_end} *{ping:,}ms*' The format of a user in a channel list. ---- `{hl}`: [string] Combined highlight starter. `{hl_end}`: [string] Combined highlight ender (the result of reversing the `{hl}` string. `{name}`: [string] Username `{flags}`: [int] User flags as unsigned integer `{ping}`: [int] Ping as signed integer `{prod}`: [str] Four character product `{prod_icon}`: [str] Product as an emoji for display on Discord `{prod_list}`: [str] Four character product, or the string "_oper" if an operator/priority user in current channel `{prod_list_icon}`: [str] Product as an emoji for display on Discord, or the :operator: emoji if an operator/priority user in current channel `{prod_name}`: [str] Product name `{level}`: [int] Level of Diablo, Diablo II, and WarCraft III users; 0 if unavailable `{level_or_empty}: [str] Level of Diablo, Diablo II, and WarCraft III users; empty string if unavailable `{level_or_empty}: [str] Level of Diablo, Diablo II, and WarCraft III users prefixed with "Level "; empty string if unavailable `{wins}`: [int] Wins of WarCraft II and StarCraft users; 0 if unavailable `{wins_or_empty}`: [str] Wins of WarCraft II and StarCraft users; empty string if unavailable `{wins_plus_wins}`: [str] Wins of WarCraft II and StarCraft users suffixed with " wins"; empty string if unavailable `{tag}`: [str] Clan tag of WarCraft III users; empty string if unavailable `{tag_plus_clan}`: [str] Clan tag of WarCraft III users prefixed with "Clan "; empty string if unavailable `{icon_name}`: [str] Icon of WarCraft II, StarCraft, and WarCraft III users; empty string if unavailable `{char_name}`: [str] Character name of Diablo II users; empty string if unavailable `{char_title}`: [str] Character title of Diablo II users; empty string if unavailable `{char_realm}`: [str] Character realm of Diablo II users; empty string if unavailable `{char_class}`: [str] Character class name of Diablo and Diablo II users; empty string if unavailable `{text}`: [str] Unparsed user text string (statstring) `{text_parsed_1}`: [str] Parsed stats info, 1 item (SC: "", W2: "{wins} wins", D2: "Open", D2: "{char_title} {char_name}"; W3: "Level {level}") `{text_parsed_2}`: [str] Parsed stats info, 2 items (SC: "", W2: "{wins} wins", D2: "Open", D2: "Level {level} {char_class}, {char_title} {char_name}"; W3: "Level {level} in Clan {tag}") `{text_parsed_2}`: [str] Parsed stats info, all items (SC: "", W2: "{wins} wins", D2: "Open", D2: "Level {level} {char_class}, {char_title} {char_name} in {listing_flags} {difficulty} on {char_realm}"; W3: "Level {level} in Clan {tag}, {icon_name} icon") You can also use the `users_list_format` `{channel}` and `{server}` and related parameters for `join_format` and `part_format`.